Tamarillo: The Tree Tomato
Tamarillo is a subtropical vegetable crop grown for its egg-shaped bright red-or yellow-coloured edible fruits. Whole fruits are consumed raw or after cooking. Scientific name of tamarillo or tree tomato is Cyphomandra betacea and synonym is Solanum betaceum.




A short story told from the dogs perspective on his traumatic journey during a devali (festival of lights/fireworks) night and how it affects his life forever...




French and English furniture distinctive styles and periods described and illustrated
Esther Singleton's 'French and English Furniture: Distinctive Styles and Periods Described and Illustrated' is a comprehensive exploration of the different styles and periods of furniture design in France and England. Singleton's meticulous attention to detail in describing and illustrating various furniture pieces ...




Art Models 3
While no book can replace a live model, this photographic guide to the human form provides a diverse selection of figures for those who do not have access to live models. Posed in a variety of classical and modern modes, the models are set in a clear, clean environment that is void of distractions and enhances the f...




A Dog For The Job
Noreen Clark has provided a history of the Cattle Dogs that fits snugly with colonial history. Her current research reveals a far more credible account of the development of Australia's Cattle Dogs than any previous publication.




Joylynn M. Ross
Fill your heart and the hearts of those around you with the true meaning of Christmas by giving the one-size-fits-all gift. And it just happens to be the gift you can give to the person who has everything. Give the gift of TIME! Are you tired of going broke trying to buy everything on everyone's Christmas list, even...




Horse Schools: Choosing the Best Equine College For You
A 1000 word article about evaluating and choosing a horse college to suit your needs. Originally appeared in Sidelines magazine.




Modelling a Tiger I Gruppe Fehrman, Germany 1945
Probably the most famous tank of World War II, the Tiger I was originally conceived in 1941 in response to the German Army's experience in fighting British tanks and anti-tank guns in Western Europe and the North African desert. Following the invasion of Russia, the appearance of the Soviet T-34 and KW tanks lent a ...




Gatto, tu hai due occhi come me
In occasione della festa nazionale del gatto, che si celebra il 17 febbraio, Claudio Damiani omaggia i suoi lettori e gli amanti degli animali in genere con una raccolta di ventidue poesie ispirate ai suoi gatti. Il fascino del gatto, da sempre, è legato al suo aspetto misterioso. C’è chi apprezza la loro fisicità, ...




17 Things That You Should or Should Not Do in the Bridge Game
17 Things That You Should Or Should Not Do In The Bridge Game Bridge is a Partnership Card Game and the fundamentals of play are here and if you follow and apply them, you will be hooked on the joy of winning in the Bridge Game. This book can be your key to a lifetime of pleasure, and sometimes pain, in bridge no ma...




Sukhoi Su-15
A history of this supersonic Soviet interceptor, including useful information for model makers. In the late 1950s, the Sukhoi Design Bureau, already an established fighter maker, started work on a successor to its Su-9 and Su-11 single-engined interceptors for the national Air Defense Force. Similar to its predecess...




The Science Fiction Anthology
This collection brings together some of the most incredible sci-fi stories ever told in one convenient, high-quality, Kindle volume! This book now contains several HTML tables of contents that will make reading a real pleasure! The Sentimentalists, by Murray Leinster The Girls from Earth, by Frank Robinson The Death...




香港照舊 II
走過幾許飄搖,百年以來香港萬變,惟有舊照留住一路走來的高低跌宕。 從平房疏落的小島到大廈聳立的石屎森林,儘管時代巨輪不等人,仍有舊照凝住一個城市的老靈魂。愛好收藏香港舊物的作者繼《香港照舊》和《九龍照舊》後,又搜得近二百幀珍貴舊照片,既展示了前作沒有的十九世紀末年港島風貌,也搜羅了一系列攝於二戰剛結束時的軍部檔案,珍...




Crochet pattern Little flame
Crochet pattern Little flame This crochet pattern is free! They are perfect for key rings or souvenirs, you will love them! You can do it in different colors! The finished dimensions are approx. 7cm x 7cm. The size may vary depending on the size of the needle and thread. The realization of this project is easy to fo...




Free Kitchen Remodeling Timeline and Guide
This free guide is easy to use to plan a kitchen remodel. To save money, time and stress, planning well is key. This guide is a pictorial or infographical timeline and guide you can post on your wall, page by page, to follow along as you move through the essential steps. It answer questions such as: How do I budget?...




Shipping Container Homes
If you want to build a wonderful home without too many problems then keep reading! Did you know? Studies show that 89% of millennials want to own a house. Owning a home has a lot of benefits. Aside from its appreciation and its increase in value over time, it stabilizes your expenses. Rental expenses can go up over ...




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