=框框裡的香港= #《香港第一課》作者用雙腳寫給家鄉的情書 #走過二百五十四條屋邨,看見另一面真實的香港 「這本書以公屋為題,但寫著寫著,我逐漸發現我要談的不只是公屋:印象被定形 生活被規範 需求被馴服 聲音被代言……這些事情,當然不只在屋邨發生。在屋邨中,政府在生活的位置相對明顯,規限和挑戰因而相對直接;但同樣的困難,可...




Among the Braves
Through the eyes of two frontline journalists comes a gripping narrative history of the Hong Kong pro-democracy movement centered around a cast of four core activists, culminating in the 2019 mass protests and Beijing's brutal crackdown. Hong Kong was an experiment in governance. Handed back to China in 1997 after 1...




City, Citizen, Citizenship, 400–1500
This open access book explores how medieval societies conversed about the city and citizen in texts, visual imagery and material culture. It adopts a long-term, interdisciplinary, and cross-cultural perspective, bringing together contributions on the early, high, and later Middle Ages, covering both the medieval Eas...




Biopolitical Futures in Twenty-First-Century Speculative Fiction
Drawing on a rich array of twenty-first-century speculative fiction, this book demonstrates how the commodification of life through biotechnology has far-reaching implications for how we think of personhood, agency, and value. Sherryl Vint argues that neoliberalism is reinventing life under biocapital. She offers ne...




Oral History at a Distance
Oral History at a Distance is the first publication to explore both the ideas behind and application of oral history in remote projects. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, working from a distance is now an ongoing and necessary approach in the oral historian’s toolkit. In this volume, the experienced team members of Baylo...




NOW A MAJOR TV SERIES 'Clavell never puts a foot wrong . . . Get it, read it, you'll enjoy it mightily' DAILY MIRROR This is James Clavell's tour-de-force; an epic saga of one Pilot-Major John Blackthorne, and his integration into the struggles and strife of feudal Japan. Both entertaining and incisive, SHOGUN is a ...




【作者新版序言+新増史證修訂】 《人類大歷史》為什麼能夠在國際暢銷書榜上爆衝? 原因很簡單,它處理的是歷史的大問題、現代世界的大問題, 而且,它的寫作風格是刻骨銘心的生動。你會愛上它! ーー戴蒙(Jared Diamond),普立茲獎巨著《槍炮、病菌與鋼鐵》作者 十萬年前,地球上至少有六個人種, 但今日,只剩下一個人種:智人(Homo sapi...




Gli indesiderabili
Erano i mafiosi italo-americani, rimpatriati nel secondo dopoguerra: «Un racconto tanto magistrale da trasformare in personaggi che paiono inventati con estro inesauribile, persone realmente esistite» (Andrea Camilleri).




Social Media and Law Enforcement Practice in Poland
This book explores the role of social media in the daily practice of Polish criminal justice and how social media is, in turn, reshaping this practice. Based on empirical research, it confronts common beliefs about how police officers, prosecutors, and judges use social media in their work. Readers will find answers...




Why a Roman Emperor Rebuilt Jerusalem and Jerash
Two of Antiquities oldest and greatest cities, Jerusalem and Jerash, attracted the personal attention and the detailed and creative intervention of the Ancient World's most powerful man of the early second century. He was the Roman Emperor, Hadrian. But why?




Learning One’s Native Tongue
Citizenship is much more than the right to vote. It is a collection of political capacities constantly up for debate. From Socrates to contemporary American politics, the question of what it means to be an authentic citizen is an inherently political one. With Learning One’s Native Tongue, Tracy B. Strong explores t...




少年臺灣史 二○一九年増訂版
了解臺灣的歷史,必須「從頭講起」,從頭了解起,我們的視野拉長、拉廣了,然後當我們回頭看這個島嶼的歷史,才能更真切地感受到它的獨特,進而珍惜它的多樣性。   歷史需要的不是記誦,而是思考和理解。記誦的歷史,考完就忘記了,自己思考和理解過的歷史,成為你對過去的認識,也會幫助你了解現在、面對未來。 ーー作者 周婉窈   歷史...




Nuclear Nuevo México
In the 1940s military and scientific personnel chose the Pajarito Plateau to site Project Y of the secret Manhattan Project, where scientists developed the atomic bomb. Nuevomexicanas/os and Tewa people were forcibly dispossessed from their ranches and sacred land in north-central New Mexico with inequitable or no c...




Cobalt Red
The revelatory Pulitzer Prize finalist for General Nonfiction, New York Times and Publishers Weekly bestseller, shortlisted for the Financial Times Best Business Book of the Year Award. An unflinching investigation reveals the human rights abuses behind the Congo’s cobalt mining operationーand the moral implications...




Germany, France and Postwar Democratic Capitalism
This book concentrates on the political economies of Germany and France in the period spanning between the end of the Second World War and the 1970s, with a subsequent consideration of Italy and Britain as ‘shadow cases’. European postwar accounts have never reconciled the thwarting of widespread aspirations to soci...




他贏了戰爭,卻輸了江山;贏了政治,卻輸了歷史。 他的一生究竟是失敗還是勝利? ★【中文版獨步全球 無刪改搶先面世!】★ 中國近代史專家潘佐夫最新鉅作,最權威的蔣介石傳記 揭露蔣介石神祕、複雜、矛盾的真實面貌 蔣介石ーー一個失敗的勝利者,也是勝利的失敗者, 他雖勝猶敗,又在敗中求勝, 打贏二次世界大戰,卻輸掉國共內戰; 長期在臺...




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