分崩離析的陣營:抗戰中的國民政府1937- 1945
軍事在20世紀中國政治與社會舞臺中扮演了無比重要的角色, 自北伐起,軍事和政治之間的關係就已非常密切, 到了對日抗戰時期,彼此關係愈加緊連, 戰事和戰局影響內政,內政品質和效率又影響戰爭。 本書強調軍政之間的互動關係, 試圖把國民政府在抗戰時期後方黨政軍的狀態和前線的戰事, 納入一個整體性的分析架構之內。 由於國民黨北伐的速...




Jake’s Travel Guides: Istanbul, Turkey
Nestled at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, Istanbul is a city where continents meet and cultures converge, creating a tapestry of experiences that is nothing short of mesmerizing. This comprehensive travel guide takes you on an unforgettable journey through Istanbul's vibrant streets, majestic palaces, and bustli...




一個激勵人心的故事,三代女性經歷了無數艱難困苦和政治風暴,始終保持著人性的尊嚴和美。──希拉蕊•柯林頓 走過纏足的時代、封建體制的婚姻、抗日戰爭、國共內亂……直至文化大革命的劫難,她們歷經了人間的悲歡離合,也創造了不平凡的一生。 三代中國女性 一部感人家史 理解二十世紀中國的重量級磅礡史詩 「我享受過特權,也遭受過磨難;有...




大港的風華與滄桑,你所不知道的高雄事…… 一本騎著單車,從「打狗」穿越「高雄」的另類旅遊書; 一本透視地景,從「高雄」看見「台灣」的知性歷史書。  「高雄港區」如今是高雄市民與觀光客休間親水、旅遊踏青的好去處,但當前港區的空間,卻曾受到長達五十年之久的軍事管制!究竟「打狗港」為什麼成為間人勿近的「軍事禁地」?又怎麼逐步隨...




Conflict in the Balkans 1991–2000
Exposing the true scale and significance of the deployment of air power in the Balkans, this book details the activities of NATO and UN aircraft as well as local pilots in the former Yugoslavia. From bombing by B-2 stealth bombers to air-to-air combat; from moving ground troops by helicopter to 'food-bombing' for re...




A Century of Labour
Britain’s first Labour government took office on 22 January 1924. Its centenary provides an opportunity to reassess the party's performance over the last 100 years, and with an election pending, the character and purpose of the modern party. Labour defined the dominant political settlement of much of the Twentieth C...




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**THE MILLION COPY BESTSELLER** Sapiens showed us where we came from. In our increasingly uncertain times, Homo Deus shows us where we're going. 'Spellbinding' Guardian The world-renowned historian and intellectual Yuval Noah Harari envisions a near future in which we face a new set of challenges. Homo Deus explores...




★繁體中文限定.作者題字扉頁印簽版★ 要理解暴政,先見證歷史 《暴政》作者提摩希.史奈徳,衝擊歷史認知的經典之作 認識今日東歐衝突的歷史根源,最受熱議的迫切之書 20世紀最黒暗的歷史現場,不在徳國或俄國,而在納粹與蘇聯之間的血色東歐。 見證普利摩.李維未能記錄的屠殺真相,漢娜.鄂蘭理論之外的極權全貌。   ★全球翻譯32種語言....




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Judith Wright (1915–2000) is one of the best-known Australian poets of her generation. Born into a pioneering bush family, her commitments to environmental protection, history writing and obtaining recognition for First Nations people drew her in new directions and assumed a major role in her life. She was the first...




Il caffè di Sindona
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Distant Strangers
What does it mean to live in the modern world? How different is that world from those that preceded it, and when did we become modern? In Distant Strangers, James Vernon argues that the world was made modern not by revolution, industrialization, or the Enlightenment. Instead, he shows how in Britain, a place long he...




Why Did Europe Conquer the World?
The startling economic and political answers behind Europe's historical dominance Between 1492 and 1914, Europeans conquered 84 percent of the globe. But why did Europe establish global dominance, when for centuries the Chinese, Japanese, Ottomans, and South Asians were far more advanced? In Why Did Europe Conquer t...




香港 ‧ 開港:歷史新編




中國是怎麼形成的: 大歷史的速寫
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