The Rosetta Stone
E. A. Wallis Budge's book, 'The Rosetta Stone,' delves into the fascinating story behind the ancient artifact that unlocked the secrets of Egyptian hieroglyphics. Written in a scholarly yet accessible style, Budge explores the historical significance of the Rosetta Stone and its role in deciphering the language of t...




Gallipoli Diary
In 'Gallipoli Diary' by Ian Hamilton, readers are provided with a firsthand account of the Gallipoli Campaign during World War I. Hamilton's writing style is raw and emotive, immersing readers in the harsh realities of war. The book captures the chaos and sacrifice of the soldiers involved, painting a vivid picture ...




The Last Boer War
In 'The Last Boer War' by H. Rider Haggard, the reader is taken on a vivid and gripping journey through the final conflict between the British Empire and the Boer Republics in South Africa. The book is a historical novel that is rich in detail, offering a unique insight into the events leading up to and during the w...




The History of the Knights Templars, the Temple Church, and the Temple
C. G. Addison's 'The History of the Knights Templars, the Temple Church, and the Temple' provides a comprehensive look at the famous Knights Templar order, their association with the Temple Church, and the history of the Temple itself. Written in a meticulous and detailed style, Addison's work delves into the origin...




The Sikhs
In 'The Sikhs' by John James Hood Gordon, readers are taken on a comprehensive journey through the history, practices, and beliefs of the Sikh religion. Gordon's book is a meticulously researched and detailed exploration of Sikhism, covering everything from its origins to its modern-day expression. The writing style...




The Annals & The Histories
Tacitus' 'The Annals & The Histories' is a significant historical work that provides a detailed account of the Roman Empire during the reigns of Tiberius, Claudius, Nero, and others. Known for his meticulous research and eloquent writing style, Tacitus offers a compelling narrative that sheds light on political intr...




The Holy Roman Empire
James Bryce Viscount Bryce's 'The Holy Roman Empire' is a comprehensive examination of one of the most influential political entities in European history. The book delves into the complex structure and inner workings of the Holy Roman Empire, detailing its rise to power and eventual decline. Bryce's literary style i...




Os Índios no Império do Brasil
O principal objetivo da historiadora neste livro é analisar como se deu a criação da Seção de Etnografia e Arqueologia no Instituto Histórico e Geográfico do Brasil (IHGB). Formada pela elite letrada imperial oitocentista, esta Seção contava com homens comprometidos em originar um projeto político de desenho da naçã...




Rethinking Community in Myanmar
In this first anthropological study of Muslim and Hindu lives in urban Myanmar today, Judith Beyer develops the concept of “we-formation” to demonstrate that individuals are always more than members of wider groups. “We-formation” complements her rich political, legal, and historical analysis of “community,” a term ...




La città degli untori
Una città è un grumo di sangue e polvere. Una città è un quaderno di storie. Ma come si può raccontare un luogo come Milano, una metropoli che è stata così tante volte e in così tante forme cantata? Forse l’unico modo è cominciare proprio dal suo cuore di tenebra, dalle vie silenziose lungo le quali si diffuse la pe...




Taiwan in the Era of Tsai Ing-wen
This book assesses the forces that led to the election of Tsai Ing-wen and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in 2016 and re-election in 2020, and provides the first comprehensive treatment of this pivotal period in Taiwan’s politics, policy, and international relations. The Democratic Progressive Party’s victor...




《鴻》《毛澤東》《慈禧》暢銷傳記作家/張戎 暌違六年最新重磅巨作現代中國從慈禧到今天,宋氏三姊妹與她們的丈夫,正是完整串連中國百年史的關鍵人物!跨越三個世紀 走過三大陸 多場革命三位家喻戶曉的女子 三段鮮為人知的傳奇人生親訪宋、孔、蔣、孫家親屬與專家學者見證人參閱臺港英美俄五地共14家檔案館收錄三姊妹個人生命與大歷史交織...




This Fleeting World (Yay Pwat Pa Mar E Kabar)
This Fleeting World tells the story of the universe and history of humanity in only 100 pages. Prize-winning historian David Christian covers it all in this inspiring guide to the history of everything, from stars and empires to cities, the World Wide Web, capitalism, and globalization. David Christian's approach to...




This Fleeting World (Ketabe Donya dar Gozar)
Donya Dar Gozar (This Fleeting World) tells the story of the universe and history of humanity in only 100 pages. Prize-winning historian David Christian covers it all in this inspiring guide to the history of everything, from stars and empires to cities, the World Wide Web, capitalism, and globalization. The transla...




Carolina Currents, Studies in South Carolina Culture
Introducing an annual collection of essays devoted to South Carolina history and culture. From the Piedmont to the Lowcountry, South Carolina is the site of countless engaging stories. The contributors to Carolina Currents share those stories, broadening our understanding of the state's unique and diverse histories ...




Moloch Berlin: A Warning
Years ago, I published a guide for people moving to Berlin. Since then, I've been plagued by a guilty conscience. I portrayed the city in a positive light. Everything good in the city comes from outside. I wanted to make it look attractive so that people would move here and find their way around. The city has been l...




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