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Bild, Affekt, Inventio
Auf Grundlage dreier Zentralbegriffe aus der Musikanschauung der ersten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts (Bild, Affekt, Inventio) unternimmt der Autor eine Neuinterpretation der «Johannespassion» Johann Sebastian Bachs. Konsequent wird dafür zudem erstmalig versucht, eine Synthese aus Quellen der Musikästhetik und der Fr...




Forbidden Desire in Early Modern Europe
Until quite recently, the history of male-male sexual relations was a taboo topic. But when historians eventually explored the archives of Florence, Venice and elsewhere, they brought to light an extraordinary world of early modern sexual activity, extending from city streets and gardens to taverns, monasteries and ...




Choice杂志年度杰出图书奖,情感史首倡者彼得·N.斯特恩斯代表作 一部关于羞耻的文化史,一种无处不在的社会治理术 我们常将羞耻视为一种负面情感加以回避。而历史上,羞耻感在家庭、教育、刑罚、体育、政治等诸多领域都发挥着作用。社会用它来规范我们的行为、维持秩序、建立身份认同。 现代社会,羞耻感看似衰落,却仍在各种文化中延续,并...




The Book of the Deeds of the Good Knight Jacques de Lalaing
Contains detailed, eyewitness accounts of the most memorable exploits of a man fit to be memorialised as a model of ideal knighthood. 'My honoured lord, I am sending you certain recollections of the high and admirable deeds of arms performed in the lists by your late son Jacques de Lalaing... But they are small memo...




漢風潮流誌:知識與美圖兼具的高顏值科普學堂, 一本帶你玩轉漢服!
翻開本書,帶你玩轉漢服! 從漢朝到明朝的古人穿衣哲學 詳盡為你解釋各種形制款式   #俊男美女插圖,讓你讀書也賞心悦目   #漢服長得都很像,看完就不會再傻傻分不清啦   #是考古書籍,也是漢服學   #古人很潮系列,《唐風美人誌》、《公子世無雙》、《君子溫如玉》、《雅宋美人集》系列作!(瑞昇文化) 〜〜漢風霓裳〜〜 歡迎來到...




Nature, Action and the Future
Climate change is one of the great challenges of modern politics. In this volume, leading political theorists and historians investigate how the history of political ideas can help us make sense of it. The contributors add a historical perspective to contemporary debates in political theory. They also show that the ...




一部貴族史,也是一部徳國史 圖文並茂+第一手文獻+實地親身訪談 知名譯者及史普作家帶領讀者深入歐洲的千年歷史 從中世紀條頓騎士到近代普魯士容克,還原徳國貴族的原始面目 ◎徳意志貴族擁有千年以上的歷史生命 ◎近代推動徳國統一的俾斯麥是普魯士容克貴族 ◎霍亨索倫王室在徳意志帝國崩潰後仍延續至今 ◎重視榮譽的貴族軍官曾多次刺殺希特勒...








Vanquished and Victorious
Recent research has revised earlier views about the role of veterans of World War One in paramilitary formations, radical nationalism and political extremism in inter-war Europe, yet there remain considerable gaps in our understanding of the role they played in the ‘successor states’ of the Habsburg Empire. Vanquish...




A Little History of Music
A lively, engaging guide to music around the world, from prehistory to the present Human beings have always made music. Music can move us and tell stories of faith, struggle, or love. It is common to all cultures across the world. But how has it changed over the millennia? Robert Philip explores the extraordinary hi...




The Lost Promise of Progressivism
Long before the current calls for national service, civic responsibility, and the restoration of community values, the Progressives initiated a remarkably similar challenge. Eldon Eisenach traces the evolution of this powerful national movement from its theoretical origins through its dramatic rise and sudden demise...




Midway-Class Aircraft Carriers 1945–92
The Midway-class were the US Navy's biggest carriers built during World War II. Superbly illustrated, this explains how they became the backbone of the Cold War fleet. Entering service in September 1945, the Midway-class aircraft carrier was the US Navy's ultimate World War II-era design, and these would be its fron...




Constitutional Monarchy of the Twenty-First Century
This is the first book to investigate how constitutional monarchy could survive in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, during which many monarchies were overthrown by revolutions or coups d’état in Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Europe. Today we have about 200 countries in the world, but there are only 28 w...




Shortlisted for the 2023 Military History Matters Book of the Year Award The only way to truly understand what it was like to fight in the Second World War is to listen to the experiences of those men who were there. And often, there was nowhere more dangerous than on the ground. In Footsloggers, Peter Hart reconstr...




The Bookshop
**AN INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER "A spirited defense of this important, odd and odds-defying American retail category." ーThe New York Times "It is a delight to wander through the bookstores of American history in this warm, generous book." ーEmma Straub, New York Times bestselling author and owner of Books Ar...




《21世紀的21堂課》全新修訂改版! 在一個資訊滿滿卻多半無用的世界上, 清楚易懂的見解,就成了一種力量。 ーー 哈拉瑞 在《人類大歷史》,哈拉瑞展現了他「後見之明」的洞識,深刻闡述了人類簡史; 在《人類大命運》,哈拉瑞則以他「先見之明」的睿智,為我們預示了未來簡史。 而在這本「人類三部曲」的第三部《21世紀的21堂課》,哈拉瑞聚...




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