The Weekly Gardener Volume 14: January to December 2020
Collected articles from The Weekly Gardener - January through December 2020. For current articles visit I wanted to assemble an informal compendium of the things I learned from my grandfather, wonderful books, educational websites, and my own experience, in the hope that other people might find...




Our Line Drawings
A simple picture book for younger readers. Ideal to encourage boys to read. Pictures can be used to stimulate discussions and use of adjectives to describe the types of lines and what the child sees. The story is about the elements of art. Welcome to class. What are the children up to today? The children are explori...




Dog Training Colorful Cartoons
This Dog Training Colorful Cartoon Illustrated eBook is ideal for kids of any age (and adults too) who enjoy dogs and dog training. Watch owners and trainers as they teach their dogs to obey commands, be obedient and well behaved. ** Please Note *** This eBook is NOT a coloring book. It shows examples of cartoon ill...




★ 知名巴黎美術學院形態學教授20年教學經驗結晶 ★ 作者親繪1,000幅以上精美速寫,完全解析人體形態 素描形態是自由創作的基礎 無論是繪畫初學者,或是進階藝術創作者 學習人體形態都是不可或缺的功課 本書作者米歇爾‧洛里切拉任教於法國高等應用美術學院,教授形態學超過20年。他提供了豐富的視角,以深入淺出的方式帶領讀者理解和學習人體形...




Mulberry plant is a woody perennial plant. Scientific name of mulberry is Morus spp.. White mulberry is known as Morus alba, red mulberry is known as Morus rubra, and black mulberry is known as Morus nigra. Mulberry belongs to the family Moraceae. Mulberry plants are mainly grown for their fruits and for sericulture...




Potato is one of the most ancient and the oldest domesticated food crops. Today, potato is the most important and the largest vegetable crop of the world (both production-wise and consumption-wise). Potato is also used as a staple food in many parts of the world. Potato is a starchy tuberous perennial vegetable; how...




The Masterplan
Como referencia a la angustia constante en uno mismo, The Masterplan es una alegoría que no responde a un paradigma en específico más que al temor y constante acoso que se llega a sentir al moverse en un mundo de estado cambiante: en medio de crisis emocionales, fobia social, pandemia, estrés e incluso una preocupac...




Scientific name of Tomatillo plant is Physalis philadelphica (Syn. Physalis ixocarpa). It is a vegetable plant belonging to Solanaceae family. This plant is a native to Mexico. Tomatillo plants are mainly grown for their small, round fruits which are used as vegetables. Tomatillo is popularly known as ‘Mexican husk ...




Cilantro, the Coriander Greens
This booklet is intended for providing information about cilantro (coriander leaves or coriander greens); fresh stems and tender leaves of which are used as a culinary herb for garnishing and flavoring various food preparations.Cilantro is a term used for the fresh stems and tender young leaves of the coriander plan...




Chain Maille Wire Weaving: How to Make Chain Maille With Affordable Metals and Minimal Tools
How do you get started making chain maille, without constantly needing to mail order the supplies? Do you want to make chain maille, without spending money on expensive metals? Are you unable to make projects that you like, because your local supplier doesn't have some of the materials? Are you looking for inspirati...




Contemporary Co-housing in Europe
This book investigates co-housing as an alternative housing form in relation to sustainable urban development. Co-housing is often lauded as a more sustainable way of living. The primary aim of this book is to critically explore co-housing in the context of wider social, economic, political and environmental develop...




Landscapes and Illusions
Here is the book to help you create strip-pieced fabric landscape quilts that reflect the ever-changing moods of nature. With clear, precise information on color and fabric, learn to create visual illusions of depth, luminosity, reflections, or mist that add drama and emotion to your scenic imagery.




Brinjals, the Eggplant
Brinjal or eggplant is scientifically known as Solanum melongena. It is a tropical, perennial vegetable grown for its edible fruits. It is generally grown as a half-hardy annual plant for vegetable purposes. Brinjal fruit is a berry and these berries are used as vegetables. Brinjal is known by different names in dif...




世界第一簡單的種植法,加水、換水就能活, 無土栽培,100%乾淨‧無蟲‧好照顧, 觀葉植物 / 多肉植物 / 蘭花/球根 / 種子 / 山野草 / 水生植物 / 蔬果剩料 都能種! 您有這樣的困擾嗎? 對植物很有愛,但就是不喜歡看到黒黒的土壤; 似乎與緑手指絕緣,植物總是種不好; 老是忘記給植物喝水,或是拿捏不準澆水頻率‧‧‧ 水耕盆栽就是您的終極救...




Cranberry, Lingonberry, Huckleberry
Scientific name of cranberry is Vaccinium oxycoccos and it belongs to the family Ericaceae, the family of blueberry, bilberry, lingonberry and huckleberry. Vaccinium oxycoccos is native to Europe. There is another species of cranberry with scientific name Vaccinium macrocarpon which is native to North America. Scien...




Charcoal Basics for Beginners
This book will be available free of charge for a limited time only. Charcoal Basics for Beginners is an e-book based on the reputable art course aimed specifically at absolute beginners that the author has been offering at her studio since 2011. Charcoal Basics for Beginners builds on the artistic skills taught in D...




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