Dog Training: A Step-by-Step Guide to Leash Training, Crate Training, Potty Training, Obedience and Behavior Training
Wouldn't it be wonderful if your dog didn't chew on furniture or poop on the carpet, and followed your commands? Dog Training can help! A dog brings joy and excitement to your life. Once you add this bundle of energetic fur to your family, you'll find you have extra reasons to be playful. On the other hand, dogs hav...




Peppercorns are one of the most used Indian spices across the globe. Peppercorns are produced from pepper plants. Scientific name of pepper is Piper nigrum and this plant belongs to the family Piperaceae. It is an evergreen, tender, perennial climbing vine that prefers partial shade for its growth. The plant reaches...




Passion Fruit
Passion fruit is a popular tropical fruit. Scientific name of Passion fruit is Passiflora edulis. It belongs to the family of Passifloraceae. Passion fruit is originated in Brazil. Now, passion fruits are distributed and cultivated in several tropical regions of the world including South Africa, Kenya, Fiji, Austral...




My Year Collecting Toys 2017
It's not an addiction, it's a passion. I love collecting toys. Okay, yeah, fine, maybe a little bit of an addiction. We'll let you decide. Journey with me as we take a trip back to 2017. The year my beloved WWF Hasbro figures returned to the shelves as WWE Retros. The year Mega Construx added Masters Of The Universe...




Broccoli and Brussels Sprouts
Scientific name of Broccoli is Brassica oleracea var. italic. The edible portion of a broccoli is its immature buds and thick fleshy flower stalk. There are two types of broccoli available in the market: green sprouting broccoli and purple-colored broccoli. Green sprouting broccoli contains a group of green, immatur...




Vitamin-Rich Vegetables
We need vitamins in small quantities for healthy living and staying fit. Vitamins are required to regulate body metabolism and tissue building. Requirement of vitamins increases with the increase in age. Insufficient amount of vitamins in the body results in vitamin deficiency diseases. This small booklet of 30-page...




Collards, Chards and Dandelions
Scientific name of collards or collard greens is Brassica oleracea cv. acephala. The name ‘acephala’ means ‘without a head’; that is, this Brassica vegetable is formed of loose leaves unlike cabbage or other Brassica vegetables. It belongs to the genus Brassica and family Brassicaceae, the mustard family. It is beli...




Radish, Rutabaga and Turnip
Radishes are a popular root vegetable of Brassicaceae family and are grown for their fleshy edible tubers, which are actually modified tap roots. Radishes can be grown as annuals or biennials depending upon the growing purposes. For vegetable purposes, it is grown as an annual and for seed production, it is grown as...




Carrots and Beets
Carrot is a biennial herbaceous plant cultivated for its starchy, edible root tubers. For vegetable purposes, carrot is grown as an annual crop. During the first season of growth, the plant completes vegetative growth and produces edible root tubers; during the next season, the plant completes its reproductive cycle...




Garden Cress, Water Cress and Land Cress
Scientific name of garden cress is Lipidium sativum and it belongs to the family Brassicaceae. All members of Brassicaceae are believed to be originated in the region comprising of Western Europe, the Mediterranean region and the temperate regions of Asia. Though all Brassica vegetables are biennial in growth habit,...




KnolKhol is an exotic, temperate, stem-vegetable belonging to Brassica family, i.e. family of cabbage and cauliflower. Scientific name of KnolKhol is Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes. KnolKhol is also known as Kohlrabi or German Turnip or Cabbage Turnip. KnolKhol is mainly grown for its edible, succulent globular-s...




Wire Weaving: Beginner + Intermediate Guide to Wire Weaving: 2-in-1 Wire Weaving Compendium for Beginner and Intermediate Wire Workers
If you want to learn wire weaving without paying $60 for a single weaving class, then keep reading... Do you want to learn how to make wire woven jewelry, but don't know where to start? Do you want to learn at home, without having to pay $60 for attending a single wire weaving class? Do you want to start without hav...




The Science Fiction Anthology
This collection brings together some of the most incredible sci-fi stories ever told in one convenient, high-quality, low-priced Kindle volume! This book now contains several HTML tables of contents that will make reading a real pleasure! The Sentimentalists, by Murray Leinster The Girls from Earth, by Frank Robinso...




Fenugreek and Mustard
Scientific name of fenugreek greens is Trigonella foenum-graecum. It belongs to the family Fabaceae. Fenugreek is considered to be a native of Eastern Europe and Ethiopia. It is widely cultivated in India and Mediterranean countries. Common name of fenugreek greens is Greek hay. Scientific name of mustard greens is ...




Fast, Fun & Easy Scrapbook Quilts
Put your best memories on display! Now it’s simple to turn your latest vacation, family event, or favorite activity into a one-of-a-kind quilted keepsake. Sue Astroth’s scrapbook quilts blend quilting with fun embellishments for a personalized heirloom you and your family will treasure forever.




Amaranth, Arugula and Portulaca
Amaranth greens are popular leafy greens throughout the world. Several cultivars of amaranth plant are used as leafy vegetables; some are with green leaves, some with greenish-red leaves while others are with red leaves. However, all cultivars are grown only during the summer and the rainy seasons. Scientific name o...




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