EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is an effective psychotherapy for PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). For example, the therapist puts a finger in front of the client's eyes and slowly moves it to the left or right with a constant rhythm. The client performs eye movements that follow the movem...




How Can I Become A Spiritualist
Forty years ago my spiritual journey started. I was saved from an accident that was impossible. I spent years to know, who saved me? What saved me? Why was I saved? I don't pray God. In my meditation sessions, me Swamy Rama I way put on the path by Late Swamy Rama of Rishikesh. As predicted by him, I had several peo...




Plymouth Sakkie Yarn Knitting Pattern F464 Lacy Moebius Cowl
Royal Yarns 202-215-2300 presents Plymouth Sakkie Yarn Knitting Pattern F464 Lacy Moebius Cowl. This pattern includes design images, sizing, yarn requirements, knitting needles, crochet hooks and other tools necessary to make this garment. All yarns and tools are available for purchase on Royal Yarns. PLEASE NOTE TH...




Peggy Dean
This fun and easy-to-use nature drawing and watercolor guide is perfect for anyone inspired by nature to draw, doodle, ink, and paint colorful flora and fauna. Artist, author, and popular art instructor Peggy Dean presents this nature drawing guide that teaches you how to master drawing and watercolor techniques fro...




Fashion in the 1970s
The 1970s was a decade of style contrasts: every extreme of fashion was met by an equally trendy opposite reaction. Ankle-length maxi skirts vied for attention with super-short hot-pants. Outfits in vibrant prints and obviously man-made fabrics contrasted with subtly-coloured ensembles in wool jerseys and silky crep...




I restauri dei gruppi scultorei del Museo Archeologico di Sperlonga. Studi su
Il Codice dei beni culturali e del paesaggio stabilisce che il nostro patrimonio culturale deve essere tutelato e valorizzato. Negli ultimi decenni le università italiane hanno introdotto, nei propri corsi di laurea, specifiche discipline al riguardo, che arricchiscono il percorso formativo dello storico dell’arte. ...




Het 5 stappenplan
Schilder jij ook en voel je dat er meer in zit dan er uit komt? Ik help je graag met het ontwikkelen van jouw schildertalent en het verbeteren van je technische vaardigheden. Daarom bied ik jou dit gratis 5-stappenplan aan om je schilderijen te verbeteren. Het laat je in 5 stappen zien aan welke criteria een schilde...




Spicy Fruit Pickles
Fruit, from a consumer’s point of view, is a juicy, sweet, and fleshy edible product (i.e. the ripened ovary of a flower) of a plant that contains seeds and an envelope. So from a consumer’s point of view, plant products such as apple, apricot, pear, peach, ripe sweet mango, ripe sweet papaya, phalsa, karonda, pinea...




Comunicación web para gestión contable
trabajo de la universidad...




Camp Quidnunc
Camp Quidnunc was a Girl Scout summer camp nestled in the idyllic mountains of Harriman State Park in upstate New York. It was in operation from the 1920's into the 1970's and served as a home away from home for thousands of girls over the years. This book recounts fond memories and stories from many of the girls wh...




The Beauty of Everyday Things
The daily lives of ordinary people are replete with objects, common things used in commonplace settings. These objects are our constant companions in life. As such, writes Soetsu Yanagi, they should be made with care and built to last, treated with respect and even affection. They should be natural and simple, sturd...




В гостях у Сказки. Горшочек каши
Добро пожаловать в удивительный мир добрых и поучительных сказок, где каждый может встретить милую принцессу и капризного короля, гномов и огнедышащих драконов, всесильных волшебников и бесстрашных принцев. На страницах нашего издания вас ждут лучшие народные и авторские сказки, щедро проиллюстрированные профессиона...




The Weaver
New and experienced weavers alike are always on the lookout for new weave-structure patterns. The Weaver's Idea Book presents a wide variety of patterns for the simple rigid-heddle loom, accompanied by harness drafts for multishaft looms. The techniques include leno, Brooks bouquet, soumak, and embroidery on fabric....




Insights Into Dog Behavior
This eBook is a collection of articles I have written over my first decade of training dog owners. Most of these articles can be classified as “alternative ways to look at dog behavior.” The views presented are unique and are mine. I didn’t learn anything I know about dogs from a book, video, or another dog trainer....




* Pictures are included for easy reference * Index with clickable links. The Ladies’ Workbook contains detailed instructions in knitting, crochet, point-Lace, etc. This culturally important book was reproduced from the original (published in 1858) and has been put together to remain true to the original work as much...




The Malinois
A comprehensive guide to the history and development of the Malinois breed. Learn: Specific problems Malinois handlers and trainers may encounter. How the breed developed to become the top choice for police work. Other roles for which the Malinois is perfectly adapted, including tracking, search and rescue, oil and...




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