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內容簡介 |為有志日本研究者提供有關宗教文化的重要先行知識| ★深入淺出介紹日本民俗中的神道、佛教與修驗道 ★認識與理解日本民俗文化的最好入門書 在「聖」與「俗」間相互影響,不斷變化、融合新舊的日本宗教文化, 持續形塑日本人的思想及行為模式,衍生出ーー對生活樣式、經濟活動、文化藝術、甚至國家政治的種種作用。 自然信仰與神佛...




★全國高中職師長力推,學生狂讚!囊括文化部推薦、各大通路暢銷榜肯定,眾多讀者引頸期盼的《崩壞國文》,作者謝金魚睽違七年推出新作! ★Hazel**/《時間的女兒:八卦歷史》Podcaster****、李文成/臺灣公構創辦人、神奇海獅/歷史作家、陳茻/與點堂創辦人、黃震南/文史作家、厭世國文老師/高中教師──真情推薦★本書用最引人共鳴的婚姻史...




The Water, Energy, and Food Security Nexus in Asia and the Pacific
This open access book considers that the Central and South Asian region sits at the middle of geographical, geopolitical, economic and historical cross-roads. Since the independence of the Central Asian states in the 1990s, following the demise of the Soviet Union, and emergence of regional trade and political ties ...




古埃及沒有暴政,不存在奴隸制度; 法老制度是人類歷史上最長久、最穩定的政權體制, 這一切都源自他們重視女性的信仰。 比現代社會更進步ーー 發現尼羅河畔的理想國: 西元前三千年的古埃及文明! 蒲慕州(香港中文大學歷史系退休教授) 薛良凱(植覺文化與美博社創辦人、福克斯的古埃及文學校校長)ーー專業推薦 ◆ 秩序、公正、活力、生命…...




The Truth About Empire
The Truth About Empirecomes from expert historians who believe that the truth, as far as we can ascertain it, matters; that our decades of painstaking research make us worth listening to; and that our authority as leading professionals should count for something in today’s polarised debates over Britain’s imperial p...




The LightFoot Companion to the via Francigena Great Saint Bernard Pass to St Peter
The LightFoot Companion is an optional partner to the LightFoot Guide.to the via Francigena A step-by-step guide to the history and culture of the via Francigena of Sigeric and the via Francigena Montana or via degli Abati in Italy with introductions to the famous, and sometimes infamous, personalities, associated w...




Warship 2019
An annual publication featuring the latest research on the history, development and service of the world's warships. For over 40 years, Warship has been the leading annual resource on the design, development, and deployment of the world's combat ships. Featuring a broad range of articles from a select panel of disti...




Warship 2018
An annual publication featuring the latest research on the history, development and service of the world's warships. Warship 2018 is devoted to the design, development and service history of the world's combat ships. Featuring a broad range of articles from a select panel of distinguished international contributors,...




Russian Gunship Helicopters
Features;* Profiles of iconic types such as the Mil MI-24 'Hind', the Mil-28 and the Kamov Ka-52 'Alligator'.* Summary of design histories and careers* Colour reference for paint schemes * Critical review of available kits* Over 180 colour and black and white illustrations, including 20 full colour side-views and a ...




Lightfoot Companion to the via Francigena - Canterbury to the Great Saint Bernard Pass Edition 3
The LightFoot Companion is an optional partner to the LightFoot Guide.to the via Francigena A step-by-step guide to the history and culture of the via Francigena in England, France and Switzerland, with introductions to the famous, and sometimes infamous, personalities, associated with the route. Whether you want to...




本書係以通俗演講的方式,從不同的角度,論述近代中國歷史的面貌,以及研究中國近代史現況。全書載有三十九篇演講稿,分為三部分,第一部分九篇,分別論述中國近代史研究的趨勢、近代中國史學的困境,以及歷史人物評價等問題。第二部分十三篇,總論近代中國各方面歷史發展的大勢。第三部分十七篇,分段論述近代中國的重要史事。 作者簡介: ...




The Cosmos in Ancient Greek Religious Experience
In this book, Efrosyni Boutsikas examines ancient Greek religious performances, intricately orchestrated displays comprising topography, architecture, space, cult, and myth. These various elements were unified in a way that integrated the body within cosmic space and made the sacred extraordinary. Boutsikas also exp...








【作者新版序言+新増史證修訂】 《人類大命運》會震撼你!會振奮你! 更重要的是,它會讓你以未曾思慮過的觀點,深思細想。 ーー 康納曼(Daniel Kahneman),《快思慢想》作者 在《人類大歷史》,作者哈拉瑞展現了他「後見之明」的洞見, 深刻闡述了「A Brief History of Humankind」。 而在這本《人類大命運》,哈拉瑞則改以「先見之明」的...




Sukhoi Interceptors
The first 20 years of Sukhoi supersonic interceptor development from the Su-9 and Su-11 to the Su-15 Charts the history of Sukhoi's early supersonic interceptors, including paper projects, as well as operational details The Su-15 became the true guardian of the Soviet skiesーand a symbol of the Cold War




Lucius Polk Brown and Progressive Food and Drug Control
Lucius Polk Brown was a professional chemist who became a bureaucrat in the field of public health during the Progressive era, when middle-class reformers first attempted to order American society through integrated systems. In his native state of Tennessee, between 1908 and 1915 Brown created a public health enforc...




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