Maple Sugar Melt & Pour Soap Recipe
Learn how to make a fun fall melt and pour soap recipe starring pure maple syrupーa healthy addition!




If you own a dog this story is for you! It's a tale of a poodle who wanted to explore his community. Anyone who has lost a pet and spends hours on end trying to hunt them down will connect with this story. CHECK IT OUT!!!! The book is roughly 20 pages. This is a true story. A Mini-Story that will kick off novels wra...




Quirk Books Throws You 5 Awesome Parties
Everybody loves a party. And they’ll love yours the most, thanks to this festive collection of themes, snacks, crafts, drinks, and décor…all handpicked by the party monsters at Quirk D.I.Y., the Quirk Books community for makers of everything awesome. So roll back the rug, call your friends, and let’s get at least on...




ioAbito – numero 8
La rivista ioAbito è uno dei punti di riferimento sul tema della casa, per gli oltre 12 000 tesserati ASPPI della Provincia di Bologna, che possiedono oltre 50 000 immobili. Gli articoli sono scritti dai consulenti ed esperti ASPPI che certificano la qualità e lo spessore dei contenuti. In questo numero articoli di:...




Sogno di un carlino di mezza estate
Pare incredibile ma i carlini, adorabili cagnetti affettuosi e con qualche problema di aria nello stomaco, hanno le loro Olimpiadi. Ce lo racconta Valentino Mascetti nel reportage gratuito "Sogno di un carlino di mezza estate. Cronache dalle Olimpiadi a quattro zampe": reduce da una serata con il suo amico Ugo, una ...




Pawsitive Connection
Adopting or saving the life of a pet in need brings great rewards. Often the rescued pets save us, when we thought we were really saving them. In more than a decade of helping rescue dogs and cats, Advocates 4 Animals has saved thousands of lives. Now, the co-founder and Executive Director of Advocates 4 Animals has...




Semplicemente Amiche Autunno – Inverno 2019-2020
Care amiche vi scrivo… Semplicemente Amiche è una rivista amatoriale dedicata alle lettrici per passare momenti di svago. Anche in questo numero si parlerà di diversi argomenti grazie ai bellissimi articoli di Jessica Maccario, Maria Dotto e Emanuela Capovilla Drago. Inoltre, una speciale intervista dedicata allo sc...




A to Z How to Make Organic Body Care Products at Home for Total Beginners
Are you tired of spending hundreds of dollars on face creams, beauty treatments, massages, and aromatherapy? Do you question all those impossible to pronounce ingredients on the back of your bath products and lotions? Have you wondered why some products are tested on animals instead of humans? The body care products...




Minimalism: The Path to an Organized, Stress-free and Decluttered Life
Ever been stressed out by the clutter on your desk? Or when you’re trying to find an important document, or a specific outfit from a messy closet? The truth is – the more stuff we have, the more difficult it is to keep them organized. The more clutter and mess we end up with as a result can lead to a stressful day, ...




Classic Origami Ebook
Make striking, classic origami designs with this easy origami kit. From world-renowned origami artist Michael G. LaFosse comes this affordable collection of classic origami paper craft projects--featuring traditional designs, as well as new twists on old favorites. Classic Origami for Beginners Kit has everything yo...




Meditative Mandala Making
"Meditative Mandala Making" by Carol Lowell takes the reader on a journey of discovering the meaning and messages held within these Sacred Circles. One will understand the value of taking precious time to create and relax, as well as learn a bit of history about mandalas. Included in the book are step by step instru...




The Dark Ages
The Dark Ages is a historical periodization traditionally referring to the Middle Ages, that asserts that a demographic, cultural, and economic deterioration occurred in Western Europe following the decline of the Roman Empire. The term employs traditional light-versus-darkness imagery to contrast the era's "darknes...




How to Improve Your Hobby Skills
This eBook will help guide you on the different topics to improve your hobby skills from building miniatures, painting them to a level you are happy, and how to showcase them online. While I focus on Warhammer 40k miniatures, you can use the tips in this book for Warmachine, Age of Sigmar, Infinity, scale models, or...




Custard Apples, Sugar Apples, Cherimoya and Sour Sop
Custard apple is a tropical fruit plant. Scientific name of custard apple is Annona reticulata. It belongs to the family Annonaceae. Annona reticulata is also known as ‘the Bullock’s Heart’, bull’s heart, Jamaica apple, and netted custard apple.




Elegant Tatting Patterns
Experienced tatters in search of especially delicate and beautiful tatting projects need look no further than this outstanding collection of patterns. Master tatter and traditional artist Janet Carroll has compiled 44 designs ー some incorporating threads of two different colors as well as new and advanced technique...




Blackberry, Raspberry and Hybrid Berry
Blackberry plants are grown for their nutritious, delicious fruits. Blackberry is considered as one of the most nutrient-dense fruits. It is counted among top 50 nutrient-rich, plant-based foods. Blackberry fruits are commonly known as ‘bramble fruit’. Blackberry plants belong to the family Rosaceae, the Rose family.




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