The Cambridge Modern History
The Cambridge Modern History is a comprehensive modern history of the world, beginning with the 15th century Age of Discovery. The first series was planned by Lord Acton and edited by him with Stanley Leathes, Adolphus Ward and George Prothero. The Cambridge Modern History Collection features all five original volum...




Solar Power Demystified: The Beginners Guide To Solar Power, Energy Independence And Lower Bills
The book 'Solar Power Demystified: The Beginners Guide To Solar Power, Energy Independence And Lower Bills' introduces you to the world of solar electric panels and systems. It reveals you the reasons why photovoltaic solar panels are continuing to gain worldwide popularity and are becoming more important as a sourc...




Maris Boyd Gillette's groundbreaking study tells the story of Jingdezhen, China's porcelain capital, from its origins in 1004 in Song dynasty China to the present day. Gillette explores how Jingdezhen has been affected by state involvement in porcelain production, particularly during the long 20th century. She consi...




An Introduction To Body Measurement
This eBook shows you how to take body measurement. Theses measurement can be used in drafting and designing of clothes. The proper body measurement is the first step to having an excellent fit in the clothes you make. Taking body measurement would take you less than half an hour. So why not buddy up with a friend ov...




10 Consigli pratici per una casa a basso consumo
Ogni anno, verso aprile, quando arriva la bolletta del gas relativa ai consumi dell’inverno appena passato, iniziamo a sudare freddo!!! Capita che, per un’abitazione non necessariamente delle dimensioni di 200 mq, nel desiderio di riscaldarla, si arrivi a spendere una piccola fortuna. Ma lo sai che potresti risparmi...




Opere di Maria Costanza Piraino
Catalogo di una selezione delle opere artistiche della pittrice siciliana Maria Costanza Piraino. Catalog of the artistic works selection of the Sicilian painter Maria Costanza Piraino.




Make a Date with Nature
A nature journal should be a playful, helpful, adventurous, extension of yourself. A sandpit for exploring your responses to the world. This little guidebook shows you how to get started with nature journaling and keep going with this fun and rewarding activity. Paula Peeters started teaching Nature Journaling works...




IndyFest Magazine #95
The 95TH issue of IndyFest Magazine! is here. This mAY 20YY issue is one you need to read. Inside you will find in-depth interviews with: Raymond Francis, Timothy D Craggette, and Robert Spencer by Ellen Fleischer Melissa Grunow by Trisha Sugarek James Art Ville by Louise Cochran Also included in this issue: Editori...




Memorie di colori
Poesie, emozioni, colori, immagini, dipinti. La vita tutta. Il dolore è bellezza allo stato puro, libero dalle croste della morale, dalla vernice di una finta soddisfazione, da noi stessi. Quando sentiamo il cuore con un ago dentro non possiamo difenderci da noi stessi. Possiamo solo sentirlo affondare lentamente, d...




The Angle Experiment
For the novice DXer, this book details ways on how to receive TV and FM radio signals from beyond the line of sight. Forty years of statistics and analysis are used to make the case. If you like DXing FM, or you are just beyond the fringe for TV, this book is for you.




Liquid African Black Soap Recipes for Skin and Hair
Make your own liquid African black soap in minutes! Includes five easy recipes using natural ingredients. You also receive information about essential oils and where to buy links for African black soap and other healthy additives. “Liquid African Black Soap Recipes for Skin and Hair” makes a great companion book to ...




A Touch of Farmhouse Charm
Create the Home You’ve Always Dreamed of with Easy, Authentic Farmhouse Décor Opening A Touch of Farmhouse Charm is like taking a breath of fresh, clean country air. With the turn of each page, Liz Fourez leads you on a tour through her family’s house, restored to its 1940s rustic farm style, and teaches you how to ...




Liquid African Black Soap Recipes for Skin & Hair
Make your own liquid African black soap in minutes! Includes five easy recipes using natural ingredients. You also receive information about essential oils and where to buy links for African black soap and other healthy additives. “Liquid African Black Soap Recipes for Skin and Hair” makes a great companion book to ...




The Ultimate Guide to Once-a-Month Grocery Shopping
Do you dread going to the grocery store once or twice a week? Are you scrambling for dinner ideas every night? Is your grocery budget out of control? Once a month grocery shopping can save you time and money. You will learn how to make a master grocery list, inventory your pantry and freezer, and make a monthly groc...




Pietra su Pietra - anno 63 n.2 2016
La rivista Pietra su Pietra, periodico bimestrale inviato agli associati in esclusiva. La rivista è considerata la più prestigiosa del settore; contiene posizioni sindacali, informazioni tecniche e le novità inerenti il settore immobiliare e della casa. In questo numero articoli di: Alfredo Zagatti, Chiara Braga, Fr...




A to Z Beekeeping for Total Beginners
Welcome to this book. Inside you will find everything that you need to know about keeping bees. Now, before we go on, I must warn you, there will be some bee humor in here. There will be lots of puns too, I mean a lot! So if you do not wish to be entertained while learning, then I would suggest going out and buying ...




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