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Social Media and Digital Politics
Informed by critical theory, this book employs Social Network Analysis (SNA) to examine the ever-increasing impact that social media has on politics and contemporary civic discourse. In just the past decade, social media platforms have been at the forefront of political discord that played out in the January 6th ins...




本圖冊是源自英文原版Old Hong Kong in Colour(《彩色老香港》)的中文増訂本,除了收錄了二百多張上世紀五六十年代彩色照片外,特別加入一組1948年在華南和香港拍攝的早期極罕見彩色照片。圖冊展示了二戰後,港、澳、粵三地的彩色原貌,包含了今天的粵港澳大灣區的主要部分區域。其中在廣東省境內拍攝的照片,更是解放前,絕無僅有珍貴的彩...




一九七四年,中文成為香港法定語文之前,早期曾被稱為「唐文」。單單由「唐文」、「漢文」過渡至「中文」的現稱中,足見百多年來香港中文教育發展之艱辛。 香港中文教育發展歷史悠長,資料星散,整理上頗具考驗。作者王齊樂教授擔此重任,憑著個人多年教育經驗,結合博覽群書、爬梳文獻、尋訪校舍所得的第一手資料,進而編撰出內容詳實、編次具...




Modernization of Korean Theatre in the 20th Century
Lee provides a comprehensive guide that traces the transformation of Korean theatre from traditional to modern theatre and examines the impact of the introduction of Western plays to Korean society. Important changes in Korean theatre are discussed chronologically from the beginning of the modernization: Sinpa Theat...




Preparing for Hybrid Threats to Security
This book examines hybrid threats within the broader context of a security crisis in Europe. As geopolitical tensions increase and great power rivalries intensify, can states protect their communities? While conventional wars are fought, parallel battles take place by more subtle and non-violent means. This multi-di...




The Struggle for Taiwan
A concise, definitive history of the precarious relationship among the US, China, and Taiwan As tensions over Taiwan escalate, the United States and China stand on the brink of a catastrophic war. Resolving the impasse demands we understand how it began. In 1943, the Allies declared that Japanese-held Taiwan would r...




Vietnam Over the Long Twentieth Century
This open access book provides fascinating insights into the incredible changes that Vietnam underwent in the long twentieth century as it transformed from an early modern kingdom to a European colony, to a divided land with opposing ideologies, and to a unified country in a globalized world. At each stage in this l...




A Little History of Art
A thrilling journey through 100,000 years of art, from the first artworks ever made to art’s central role in culture today. “A fresh take on art history as we know it.” (Katy Hessel, The Great Women Artists Podcast) Charlotte Mullins brings art to life through the stories of those who created it and, importantly, re...




El gobierno de las mujeres : ensayo histórico de política femenina
Esta edición digital en formato ePub se ha realizado a partir de una edición impresa digitalizada que forma parte de los fondos de la Biblioteca Nacional de España. El proyecto de creación de ePubs a partir de obras digitalizadas de la BNE pretende enriquecer la oferta de servicios de la Biblioteca Digital Hispánica...




The Routledge Companion to Global Photographies
In response to widespread demand for more knowledge and insight about contemporary photographies beyond Western centers of production and dissemination, this volume provides a transnational discussion, grounded in dialogue between authors and editors from diverse locations and contexts. Ecological and decolonial dis...




Practices, Education and Technology in Audiovisual Translation
This book explores the intersections of education and technology in audiovisual translation, unpacking the evolution of AVT ecosystems and looking ahead to future directions for the role of technology in the translation industry and higher education. The volume begins by outlining a holistic account of audiovisual t...




Road to Surrender
'A true page-turner.' All About History, ☆☆☆☆☆ 'Urgent, compulsively readable and powerfully resonant' Sinclair McKay You know Oppenheimer, the man who created the atomic bomb… Now meet the men who detonated it, and the extraordinary weight of their decisions… Road to Surrender by New York Times bestselling author E...




Globalization in State Socialist East Central Europe
This open access Palgrave Pivot explores four major aspects of globalization: foreign trade, capital and information flows, and the movement of people. The book examines how the state socialist countries of East Central Europe fit into the general trend of globalization after WWII. It focuses on three specific count...




Winner of the 2017 Jabuti Book Prize The Zika virus is devastating lives and communities. Children across the Americas are being born with severe disabilities because of it. Yet during the desolating outbreak, Brazil played host to both the Olympics and the FIFA World Cup, leading many to suspect that the true impac...




The Shortest History of Democracy
'DEMOCRACY HAS A LONG, EVENTFUL PAST. DOES IT HAVE A FUTURE?The roots of democracy stretch back beyond Athens to Syria- Mesopotamia and the Indian subcontinent, where citizens' assemblies held privilege and power to account over 3,000 years before the French Revolution. In this timely and illuminating new global his...




The Emergence of the Korean Art Collector and the Korean Art Market
Articulating the shifting interests in Korean art and offering new ways of conceiving the biases that initiated and impacted its collecting, this book traces the rise of the modern Korean art market from its formative period in the 1870s through to its peak and subsequent decline in the 1930s. The discussion centres...




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