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Cats: Their Points and Characteristics
In 'Cats: Their Points and Characteristics' by Gordon Stables, readers are taken on a detailed exploration of the world of domestic felines. Stables delves into the various breeds of cats, their physical attributes, behaviors, and unique characteristics, providing readers with a comprehensive guide to understanding ...




Royal English Bookbindings
Cyril Davenport's 'Royal English Bookbindings' is a comprehensive exploration of the art and history of bookbinding in the English royal court. Davenport delves into the exquisite craftsmanship and intricate designs of bindings created for monarchs throughout history, revealing the cultural significance and aestheti...




A Difficult Horse - A tribute to the horses that changed us
In the heart of every equestrian beats a story of challenge, resilience, and profound transformation. "A Difficult Horse - A Tribute to the Horses That Changed Us" is a collection of these stories, a testament to the horses that began as challenges and became our greatest teachers. Crafted from the reflections of di...




African Holistic Health for Women Ancient Tribal Remedies, African American Herbalism, Black Medicine and Other Ancestral Cures to Revive your Divine Feminine Energy by Healing the Body
Unearthing the Hidden Pathways to Inner Health and Cultural Empowerment Step into a world of ancient wisdom and mystical practices, where the secrets of self-transformation and holistic wellness await your discovery. Immerse yourself in the forgotten remedies and lost traditions that have guided black women and curi...




Drawing Workshop for Kids
Help kids build confidence and find their own creative voice through this collection of 25+ invitations for drawing. In Drawing Workshop for Kids, art educator Samara Caughey, founder of the highly praised family-centered art studio Purple Twig, shares drawing activities that support the development of creative, con...




Die Bushcraft Überlebens Bibel
SURVIVAL-EXPERTE ENTHÜLLT: 33 Fähigkeiten zum Überleben und Gedeihen in der Wildnis und im Wald! Die Wahrheit ist ... das Leben in der Wildnis ist nicht einfach, vor allem, wenn man das vorher noch nie gemacht hat und sein ganzes Leben in der Stadt oder in einer Kleinstadt verbracht hat. Das Überleben in der Natur i...




How to Think Like a Horse
In this fascinating best seller, Cherry Hill explores the way horses think and how it affects their behavior. Explaining why certain smells and sounds appeal to your horse’s sensibility and what sets off his sudden movements, Hill stresses how recognizing the thought processes behind your horse’s actions can help yo...




Marvel Studios The Marvel Cinematic Universe An Official Timeline
Become a master of the Marvel Cinematic Universe! The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is vast, incredibly varied, and richly complex. Different worlds, different timelines, countless characters. This is the guide to that universe. Created in close collaboration with Marvel Studios, it will frame the MCU's biggest ev...




Easy to follow instructions that teach you a kind and effective method for encouraging dogs to walk on leash without pulling. Quick and easy to learn, the method can be applied to any dog no matter what size, breed or age. Dogs that are easily distracted, or that encounter situations where they may lunge, bark, or g...




The Greenhouse Gardener
Would You Like to Enjoy Fresh Fruits, Veggies and Herbs All-Year-Long Now Matter What Plant Growing Conditions You Have? Well, now it’s possible! I believe there is nothing more important for a family than having and eating fresh plant foods all year long. And when I say fresh, I really mean it. Because you can’t ge...




Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks XIII
Light allows us not only to see the works of art, but also to take care of them and preserve them for future generations, through diagnosis of the degradation and deterioration phenomena, conservation treatments, and monitoring based on light-material interaction processes. Recent progress on this subject was discus...




Perspective Made Easy
Perspective, the author tells us, is easy; yet surprisingly few artists are aware of the simple rules that make it so. This easy-to-follow book ー the first devoted entirely to clarifying the laws of perspective ー remedies the situation. In it, the author uses over 250 simple line drawings to illustrate the concept...




★斷捨離不是減法,是讓你更富裕的乘法★ ★「整理」+「理財」的最高致富法則★ 停止金錢耗損、賺回自由人生,縮短與財富自由的距離! 透過斷捨離整理金錢和人生,達到財富自由! 一切不需要靠富爸爸,你只要開始有意識地整理物品,就能實現。 作者曾經是個「擁有上萬件物品的女子」,念舊惜物的購物狂,因失戀開始以販售二手專長,在兩年間從雜...




A Man & His Watch
“I’ve paged through stacks of books on the history of watches. . . . But I hadn’t come across a book that actually moved me until I picked up A Man and His Watch. The volume is filled with heartfelt stories.” ーT: The New York Times Style Magazine "There are a bunch of beautifully illustrated watch books out there, ...




Edible Wild Mushrooms Foraging
Are you tired of eating only industrial foods but don't trust collecting plants in nature? Learn how to recognize them easily to live in harmony with the environment without risking intoxication! If you would like to embark on this healthy and ethical lifestyle choice, I advise you to learn only from those who can p...




The Routledge Companion to Global Renaissance Art
This companion examines the global Renaissance through object-based case studies of artistic production from Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Europe in the early modern period. The international group of contributors take an art historical approach characterized by close analysis of form and meaning as well as functi...




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