European Strategic Autonomy and Small States
This book analyses whether the EU’s drift towards European strategic autonomy presents a challenge or a window of opportunity for its small member states to advance their security interests. The volume presents small states’ perceptions of European strategic autonomy, highlighting their expectations and concerns. Th...




An Ancient American Account of the Birth of Christ
This short eBook is a talk given by the author during Sacrament meeting, Christmas Day, 2022, in the Newton Ward, Wichita Kansas Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In this talk, the author shares personal insights from the Nephite account of events leading up to and including the birth of Jesu...




Speciesism in Biology and Culture
This open access book explores a wide-ranging discussion about the sociopolitical, cultural, and scientific ramifications of speciesism and world views that derive from it. In this light, it integrates subjects across the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities. The 21st-century western world is anthropoce...




Wallensteins Tod
In Friedrich Schillers Werk 'Wallensteins Tod' wird die Geschichte des berühmten General Wallenstein und sein tragisches Ende erzählt. Das Drama ist in poetischer Sprache verfasst und bringt die politischen Intrigen, Machtspiele und menschlichen Leidenschaften des Dreißigjährigen Krieges zum Ausdruck. Schiller verwe...




The Routledge History of Fashion and Dress, 1800 to the Present
The time span covered by The Routledge History of Fashion and Dress starts in the nineteenth century, with the aftermath of the consumers’ revolution, and reaches all the way to the present. The fashion and garment industries have been international from the beginning and, as such, this volume looks at the history o...




Histories of Tax Evasion, Avoidance and Resistance
Tax evasion, tax avoidance and tax resistance are widespread phenomena in political, economic, social and fiscal history from antiquity through medieval, early modern and modern times. Histories of Tax Evasion, Avoidance and Resistance shows how different groups and individuals around the globe have succeeded or fai...




Waterloo: A sequel to The Conscript of 1813
Erckmann-Chatrian's 'Waterloo: A sequel to The Conscript of 1813' is a poignant and insightful novel that delves into the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars, specifically focusing on the Battle of Waterloo. The authors seamlessly blend historical accuracy with vivid storytelling, providing readers with a vivid portray...




Reden an die deutsche Nation
In 'Reden an die deutsche Nation' präsentiert Johann Gottlieb Fichte eine Sammlung von Reden, die er während der napoleonischen Besatzung Deutschlands gehalten hat. Das Buch hebt die Notwendigkeit hervor, das deutsche Volk zu mobilisieren und zu einen, um die nationale Identität und Unabhängigkeit zu bewahren. Ficht...




活著說出真相: 蔡寛裕先生訪談錄
「我一直記住セン天増說的話,他要我活著,要我把真相說出來,這是我的使命,也是同志賦予我此生的任務。」 ◎追尋泰源事件完整真相 ◎訴說台灣轉型正義落實的曲折歷程 ▋本書是政治受難前輩蔡寛裕的口述歷史訪談紀錄。 蔡寛裕先生,在1950、60年代台灣白色恐怖最レイ害的時期,曾兩度因案入獄,坐監長達十三年,對於蘇東啟案等政治案件及相關人...




Queer Tolstoy
Queer Tolstoy is a multidimensional work combining psychoanalysis, political history, LGBTQ+ studies, sexology, ethics, and theology to explore the life and art of Count Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Using a psychobiographical framework, Sethness Castro uncovers profoundly queer dimensions in Tolstoy’s life experiences a...




"资中筠先生,大概是今天学术界、文化界、思想界中一位最受尊敬的老前辈了。"--梁文道 "她不阿世、不迎俗,以独立的人格,自立于天地之间。"--杨继绳 "作者绝少废话,叙述简练直白,切中肯綮,持论倘正,隐藏启蒙理想,这是上一世代的大家风范。"--豆瓣读者"无异议" "资中筠先生实乃真的勇士,遗世独立、风骨傲然的士人也!"--豆瓣读者龙辰 ...




Bandits in Print
Bandits in Print examines the world of print in early modern China, focusing on the classic novel The Water Margin (Shuihu zhuan). Depending on which edition a reader happened upon, The Water Margin could offer vastly different experiences, a characteristic of the early modern Chinese novel genre and the shifting pr...




Formation of Periodical Authorship in 1920s Korea
Formation of Periodical Authorship in 1920s Korea argues that Korean authors who entered the literary scene during modern literature’s formative years were the subject mediated by periodicals. However, it has been difficult to substantiate this statement because periodicals, including magazines, were open to differe...




Remember the Hand
Remember the Hand studies a body of articulate manuscript books from the Christian monasteries of northern Iberia in the tenth and eleventh centuries. These exceptional, richly illuminated codices have in common an urgent sense of scribal presenceーscribes name themselves, describe themselves, even paint their own p...




**「風險」驅動文明發展! 一個經濟史,歷史學者長期缺乏的敘事視角 以金融學解釋社會進化,用風險與博弈重新理解人類命運! ▋ 大亂流時代下的必備觀點 ▋**   人類社會之所以進化至今,一切有跡可循…   面對動盪時局、非常狀態,   能將風險轉化為機會,才能帶領文明走向更遠。   經濟學者陳志武教授繼《沒有中國模式這回事!》、《...




Sustainable Development Disciplines for Humanity
This Open Access book provides eight problem solving lectures for sustainable development for people, peace, and partnerships. Those are three of the five keywords for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): people, the planet, prosperity, peace, and partnerships or “the 5Ps”. Each of these lectures is classified ...




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