Gardening With Nature
Most gardeners garden Against Nature. Some advanced gardeners garden With Nature. This book takes a different approach: gardening With Nature. The idea is that, by forming a co-creative partnership with Nature and the Spirit beings in your garden, you can create a different kind of garden - one that's alive in ways ...




The Greening of Gavin: My First Year of Living Sustainably
As he walked out of the cinema, Gavin knew that his life would change forever. It was the impact of a documentary that kicked him into action, whereby he decided to lower his family's impact on the planet, in the attempt to live a more sustainable lifestyle. This is the story of his first year of 'The Greening of Ga...




Exotic Tillandsia
From the moment he saw his first Tillandsia in New Zealand, Sim Eng Hiang has worked tirelessly to cultivate, preserve, promote, and photograph these exotic treasures. Here, an esteemed member of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain shares his lifes work as a naturalist and photographer for one of the pla...




Built from Scratch
One of the greatest entrepreneurial success stories of the past twenty years When a friend told Bernie Marcus and Arthur Blank that “you’ve just been hit in the ass by a golden horseshoe,” they thought he was crazy. After all, both had just been fired. What the friend, Ken Langone, meant was that they now had the op...




Geflochen, getwistet und gesteckt - so trägt man seine Haare heute! Wer zwei linke Hände hat, findet easy-peasy Ideen, wer schon mit verbundenen Augen einen französischen Zopf hinbekommt, findet hier die passende Herausforderung. Beautyexpertin Jutta Diekmann hat wieder einmal zu Bürste und Kamm gegriffen, um aus je...




Arte e Tecnica del Disegno - 7 - Il nudo
Il disegnare la figura del modello vivente è un allenamento didattico di grande valore. In questo libro vi sono alcuni argomenti di riflessione per suggerire una serie di percorsi di avvio per allenarvi gradualmente a osservare il corpo umano, maschile e femminile.




Cradle to Cradle
Recycling is good, isn’t it? In this visionary book, chemist Michael Braungart and architect William McDonough challenge this status quo and put forward a manifesto for an intriguing and radically different philosophy of environmentalism. "Reduce, reuse, recycle”. This is the standard “cradle to grave” manufacturing...




  空降日本亞馬遜書店「通俗西洋美術史」排行榜第1名!   上市後立即引爆搶買熱潮,20天內緊急再刷!   ★日本最紅火藝術專案負責人秋元雄史,美術鑑賞代表作第一彈。   ★秋元雄史首度以美術館長身分導覽,帶你無痛進入美學世界。   ★全彩印刷,收錄23件世界名作,完整介紹14〜20世紀的美術演進。   ★讀完這本書,逛畫展時不再只...




Rabbit Breeds
Rabbits are the third-most popular pet in the United States and have also earned significant farming and commercial followings: fiber enthusiasts love angora for its light-weight warmth, and chefs are serving up increasing amounts of their high-protein, low-fat meat. In Rabbit Breeds, photographer Lynn M. Stone spot...




In Praise of Shadows
A fully illustrated, beautifully produced edition of Junichiro Tanizaki's wise and evocative essay on Japanese culture. ‘We find beauty not in the thing itself but in the patterns of shadows, the light and the darkness, that one thing against another creates… Were it not for shadows, there would be no beauty.’ This ...




An Atlas of Anatomy for Artists
This new and enlarged third edition contains a new section on hands, selected by Heidi Lenssen; a wide selection of illustrations from the works of Vesalius, Leonardo, Goya, Ingres, Michelangelo, and others, newly augmented with 10 plates from Cloquet's "Anatomie de l'Homme" and 16 illustrations from Boscay's "Anato...




エッセイやイラスト、ハーブの育て方、ハーブレシピ、庭造りのコツなどが詰まった、ベニシアの初の英語の著書!「ベニシアの庭づくり ハーブと暮らす12か月」の英語の原文を編集したものです。英会話スクールで長年教えているベニシアならではの、シンプルで平易な英語で書かれている。"In England, Jersey, Spain and Japan I have grown up...




最享受的泡湯方式,就是裸湯! 北台灣裸湯名泉11選 兔兔插畫X溫泉介紹,全彩圖文,療癒加倍。 情蒐場館資訊、圖繪湯池環境,趣事秘辛、溫泉知識、妙用小物…… 療癒系插畫家ーー捲貓親身走訪, 泡遍台灣北部裸湯,繪出特有溫泉風情。 和捲兔與毛茸茸小夥伴們,一起泡個暖呼呼的湯吧〜 捲兔與他愉快的毛茸茸小夥伴們, 帶領大家泡遍台灣北部裸...




At Home
In these pages, the beloved Bill Bryson gives us a fascinating history of the modern home, taking us on a room-by-room tour through his own house and using each room to explore the vast history of the domestic artifacts we take for granted. As he takes us through the history of our modern comforts, Bryson demonstrat...




*此書為固定版面格式,建議使用平板或電腦閱讀* ◎收錄繪製人物插圖時不可或缺的骨架參考線,透過解讀骨架線,說明構思的方法與構圖時應注意的重點。 ◎一般繪製草稿時不會描繪的表情或服裝,本書也都特別加筆收錄。幫助同好們更容易想像該動作會運用在何種情境。 ◎附錄臨摹草稿,在實際作業的過程中更進一步畫出角色造型,在反覆練習的過程中...




全國第一本四季切花全圖鑑! 花卉產銷源頭實地採訪拍攝, 100%對準台灣花卉市場供應品項 完整收錄! 600種花藝最常應用的切花、葉材、枝果材與乾燥花、永生花, 針對花藝使用需求,考證正確花名,詳列花種、花色與選購資訊, 是所有花藝愛好者必備的完全圖鑑! 學習花藝的第一步就是選購花材,而踏入花市、花店,往往有這樣的困擾: ☉不認識...




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