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  清末民初,也就是中国的现代转型发生之初,中国在“认同”问题上,产生了共同体和个人两个层面的危机,分别表现为政治秩序危机和精神秩序危机。   一百年来,中国知识界对“中国”的想象并非铁板一块,它随着运动、思潮在变化,它在欧风美雨的家族天下之间摇摆挣扎,国家机器本身,也在不断调整,以获求统治的正当性,而知识分子和国家机器...




New York Times Readers’ Pick: Top 100 Books of the 21**st** Century New York Times Bestseller A Summer Reading Pick for President Barack Obama, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg From a renowned historian comes a groundbreaking narrative of humanity’s creation and evolutionーa #1 international bestsellerーthat explores...




 【從甲午戰爭到辛亥革命,全面回顧晚清重要事件的西方記錄】 革命運動、義和團、饑荒、大瘟疫、皇帝駕崩、遠東事件、攻占西藏 兵站娛樂、當眾剪長辮、蒙古汽車、徵兵入伍、甲午戰爭時期的上海港…… 西方視角下的珍貴石印畫,透過畫家筆觸感受晚清二十年的滄桑 擺在您眼前的這本書,是在翻印一段歷史。 從社會史角度說,它再現了晚清中國的一...




Doing Feminist Urban Research
Doing Feminist Urban Research introduces the reader to the newly emerging 21st-century global landscape of feminist urban research. It showcases decolonising practices, partnerships and teamwork, new standards such as EDI, geo-ethnographic methodologies, software-enhanced qualitative data analysis, and knowledge mob...




The Secret Power of Masonic Symbols
An illustrated guide to ancient Masonic symbols and how they have shaped our world throughout history. For more than five hundred years, the symbology of Freemasonry has fostered a secret stream of radical ideas running just beneath the surface of popular culture today. These ideas, illuminated by public symbols hid...




The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction, 1908-2008: People, Events, and Challenges in Mathematics Education
The book presents the history of ICMI trough a prosopographical approach. In other words, it pays a lot of attention to the actors of the International movement. The portraits of the members of the ICMI Central Committees (1908-1936) and ICMI Executive Committees (1952-2008), and other eminent figures in ICMI histor...




American Revolutions in the Digital Age
The interdisciplinary essays in American Revolutions in the Digital Age explore what digital tools can tell us about the late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century United States and reveal how an understanding of the American past can make sense of our digital present. By employing a host of innovative digital re...




Money, Debt and Interest in Monotheistic Religions
This book offers a chronological account of the development of interest-bearing debt and how the issue of interest has been addressed throughout medieval and modern civilizations. It provides a review of the impact of these interest-bearing debt practices upon social relations and institutions, throughout the histor...




**比戰爭更可怕的力量,早已深入國際經貿體系! 經濟制裁是阻止戰爭的工具,還是引發戰爭的武器? 經濟戰制裁的是政府,還是無辜的人民? 銀彈真的比子彈更有效嗎?歷史已經告訴我們答案! 5種語言、6國檔案,打造經濟制裁的起源故事 面對全球化已死的歷史大變局,經貿立國者不可不知的重要課題 伯納斯獎章得主、最耀眼的新生代歷史分析師,...




社會生活需要進步,歷史就是動力。讀點歷史吧,它就像埋沒於泥土中的金子,在拂去塵埃後越發顯示出其光芒和價值。  在地球這片古老的大地上,五千年文明源遠流長,三千年戰事交合相融,演繹成無數個關於世界的傳說與傳奇。一幕幕激動人心的故事,一個個叱吒風雲的歷史人物,留下了許多可歌可泣的豐功偉績。這一切匯成了浩瀚的歷史長河,鑄...




本书聚焦于1895ー1949年间中国知识分子的人际交往、私人脉络、团体组织以及与城市公共媒体的关系,是一部近代中国知识分子的社会文化史。本书以丰富的史料,生动的笔墨介绍了梁启超、陈独秀等众多著名知识分子的社会交往,亲疏聚分。 当科举和门第嬗变为学校和文凭,以儒家文化为共同价值观的思想框架逐渐解体。从朦胧且短暂的新文化联盟,到...




M36/M36B1 Tank Destroyer
Going into WWII, the prevailing strategy of the US command was that tanks were not to be used to engage enemy tanks in combat. Rather, tanks were to be the armored spearhead to breach enemy positions. Enemy tanks were to be dealt with by specialized weapons, aptly named tank destroyers. While the 3-inch weapon of th...




Europeans and the Media
This book investigates the relationship between the process of Europeanization – the expected rise of a common culture – and the role played by the media in the different regions. Drawing on a comparative model, the analysis is structured around frameworks related to the action of the media in shaping national ident...




Disability Studies Meets Microhistory
This volume explores the life of Bjargey “Bíbí” Kristjánsdóttir (1927–1999), an Icelandic woman with intellectual disabilities, through analysis of her autobiography and personal archive on the basis of the research disciplines of critical disability studies and microhistory. Bíbí, who grew up in northern Iceland on...




Dutch Neorealism, Cinema, and the Politics of Painting, 1927–1945
This study offers a radically new perspective on Dutch Neorealism, one that emphasizes the role of film as an apparatus, the effects of which, when emulated in painting, can reproduce the affective experience of film-watching. More of a tendency than a tightly defined style or "ism," Neorealism is the Dutch variant ...




A Brief History of Intelligence
“I found this book amazing. I read it through quickly because it was so interesting, then turned around and read much of it again.”ーDaniel Kahneman, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics and bestselling author of Thinking Fast & Slow “I've been recommending A Brief History of Intelligence to everyone I know. A tru...




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