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Teaming with Bacteria
A must-read handbook for organic gardeners and small-scale growers. Thanks to research conducted over the last few decades, we know that most plants get a significant portion of their nutrients by attracting endophytic bacteriaーbacteria that live inside a plant’s cells. Through a complex process, plant cells harves...




The Italian Wine Bible
BREAKING NEWS: 30-Years Experienced Sommelier Reveals All The Secrets to Understanding and Pairing the Best Italian Wines Are you passionate about Italian wine and want to discover the finest from north of the Alps to southern Sicily? Looking to learn more about the history, culture and traditions of Italian wine fo...




Knit a Simple Dishcloth: Knitting Pattern
Learn how to knit and make a dishcloth! This is a great project for new knitters as it only uses basic stitches. The publication includes links and scannable QR codes that show you how to do all the stitches you'll need to make a functional dishcloth. If you are an experienced knitter, this project will take you no ...




*此書為固定版面格式,建議使用平板或電腦閱讀* 〜畫面張力、人物立體度、對戰力道MAX的大師速寫示範〜 《北斗神拳》、《JoJo的奇妙冒險》動畫導演、 「聖鬥士星矢」、「無敵鐵金剛」、「假面騎士」動畫創作大師羽山淳一, 600張人物動態姿勢速寫! 在動畫中,不論是奔跑、劍術比賽、人物對決等, 想要強調場面可看性、刺激度時,動態的人物...




Barking is more than just noise Barking is natural and almost all dogs bark. It is one of the many ways dogs communicate with each other as well as with humans. In this book, author Turid Rugaas, well known for her work on identifying and utilizing canine “calming signals,” turns her attention to understanding and m...




The Ultimate Gift
"Your dogs give you so much throughout their lives. You take on the responsibility for caring for them ー in sickness and in health ー from the moment you agree to the contract, right through to their last breath. A good passing is the ultimate gift you can give your dog who has already given you all of themselves, ...




Foraging Kitchen: A North American Wild Edibles Cookbook
How would you like to forage freely in your backyard or local area, harvesting nature's bounty to prepare nutritious meals in a simple, wholesome manner - even if you've never dabbled in wild edibles before? Imagine savoring a delicious home-cooked meal prepared from the wild edibles you've foraged - a taste of the ...




Organise Action!
Vous le savez probablement déjà sur le plan instinctif, mais l'état de votre environnement peut avoir un impact significatif sur ce que vous ressentez et votre façon de travailler. Une chambre bien rangée vous aide à mieux dormir. Votre productivité augmentera lorsque vous aurez tout dans votre bureau à sa place. Il...




This hair braiding book is the perfect guide for anyone looking to take their hair styling skills to the next level. From classic French braids to intricate fishtails and everything in between, this book will provide step-by-step instructions to ensure you can create a variety of styles with ease. With an emphasis o...




Green Witchcraft Beginners Handbook Start Magical Gardening Today with Easy-To-Grow Plants, Herbs, and Flowers and At-Home recipes for Tinctures, Essential Oils, Shampoo, Soap, Candles, and Fragrance!
Have you ever dreamed of a garden that feels like a secret hideaway, where every plant whispers ancient secrets and every herb holds mystical powers? Imagine a place where you can manifest your desires and enhance your everyday life through the power of nature. Join author Kara Lawrence on a journey into the world o...




The All Purpose Knots Bible
STRONGEST KNOTS USED FOR YEARS BY SAILORS AT SEA REVEALED! Does your knowledge of knots stop at tying your shoes? Have you ever found yourself having to tie a knot without knowing how to tie it correctly? It's time to learn how to tie the best knots! The world of knots is truly broad and can give great satisfaction ...




Learn the Art of Candlemaking. The Creative Process
Thank you for your interest in my art. The purpose of this book is to introduce you to the many possibilities of working with wax. This large body of work has been forged out of 25 years in the business of high end candle design. I hope you find inspiration in this. Candle making is not only a creative trade but a v...




Making a Spectacle
From 13th century Franciscan monks to Beyoncé in Black is King, Making a Spectacle charts the fascinating ascension of eyeglassesーfrom an unsightly but useful tool to fashion's must-have accessory. The power of glasses to convey a range of vivid messages about their wearers have made them into a billion-dollar busi...




The Knitting Bible
“It felt like the author was sitting next to me the whole time. It’s that good!” Would you like a true knitting master to teach this craft without even feeling like you are reading a book? You are completely new to knitting and want to learn this craft right from the start… You have some experience but lack ideas an...




Homemade Healthy Dog Food Cookbook + Guide
Spoil Your 4-Legged Friend with Healthy Homemade Meals Are you looking for ways to prepare nutritious, healthy, and delicious food for your furry friend without spending too much time or money? Look no further! This cookbook + guide is designed to help you make homemade dog food that your dog will love and enjoy. Wi...




A to Z India - April 2023
FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK: AGASTHYA - THE HINDU SAGE WHO DRANK THE OCEANS - According to Tamil tradition Agasthya was instrumental in the creation of Tamil language and literature. He is believed to be still dwelling on the mountain Agasthyamalai. Agasthya is also identified with the star Canopus which is the brightest...




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