Paracord Fusion Ties - Volume 1
Paracord Fusion Ties - Volume 1 is the first in a series of books that will forever change the way we look at paracord. Originally used as parachute suspension lines during World War II, paracord, in the hands of author, J.D. Lenzen (of Tying It All Together), has since become a means to create an immeasurable varie...




Norway Cruise Travel Guide
Embark on a captivating voyage through the stunning landscapes of Norway with the 'Norway Cruise Travel Guide.' Explore 22 must-visit destinations, from the vibrant city of Oslo to the breathtaking Geirangerfjord and beyond. Delve into the rich history, discover adventure activities along the coast, and unravel the ...




Zero Waste Patterns
Zero Waste Patterns offers a modern approach to sustainable sewing. Using natural fabrics and core sewing techniques, learn how to stitch without waste and make a scandi-style collection of 20 garments. Zero waste pattern cutting is a bit like a puzzle. You use a pre-determined length of fabric end to end by strateg...




Hammer & Nail: Making and assembling furniture designs inspired by Enzo Mari
Inspired by radical Italian designer Enzo Mari, this practical book with step-by-step DIY projects for hand built, beautiful furniture is a tribute to his simple ideas that challenged the consumerism of the furniture industry. Many interpreted Enzo Mari’s book Autoprogettazione? as a manifesto of nostalgic longing f...




The Art of Racing in the Rain
Soon to be a major motion picture, this heart-warming and inspirational tale follows Enzo, a loyal family dog, tells the story of his human family, how they nearly fell apart, and what he did to bring them back together. Enzo knows he is different from other dogs: he thinks and feels in nearly human ways. He has edu...




The Natural Soapmaking Handbook
The Complete Guide to Creating Sustainable Soap from Scratch Make beautiful herbal soap creations at home with this essential guide. Simi Khabra, seasoned soapmaker and creator of Muddy Mint Soap Co., guides you through easy-to-learn techniques for creating delightful sudsy bars using 100 percent natural ingredients...




The Complete Illuminated Books of William Blake (Unabridged - With All The Original Illustrations)
This carefully crafted ebook: "The Complete Illuminated Books of William Blake (Unabridged - With All The Original Illustrations)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. Taking his inspiration from the illuminated manuscripts of the middle ages, Blake invented the process of ...




Mix and Match Modern Crochet Blankets
Create one-of-a-kind striped modular blankets with this unique mix-and-match approach. Featuring 100 crochet strip patterns for modern striped blankets, this book opens up a world of design possibilities for crochet blankets, as you how you choose to combine the strips is completely up to you! Making modular blanket...




線的迴旋 是段靜心的旅程 纏繞中 發現專注安定的力量 編織中 照見自心清靜與安寧 ★介紹水晶裸石手編鑲框DIY的第一本書 不用太多工具,跟著本書做,就可掌握細緻的寶石設計款式。 繼暢銷前作《金屬線飾品造型設計》之後,Mia老師再以金屬線編結合各式水晶、寶石,將色澤美麗的線材和晶瑩剔透的水晶、寶石結合,做出獨特的手作飾品。從工具、...




以樹脂黏土打造的迷你點心世界, 日本迷你小物達人精心製作, 關口真優的袖珍黏土甜點店! 蛋糕、甜甜圈、糖果、和菓子…… 來開一家專屬於你的夢幻商店吧!   文中會介紹6種展示櫃、器皿、盒子等的做法,   即使是初學者也不用擔心,書中從袖珍黏土點心的基礎知識開始說明,   包括需要準備的材料、工具、黏土的取用跟保存方式、   黏...




Il ritratto performativo - Performative portrait
Vanessa Rusci, artista visuale, ricercatrice nel campo del linguaggio fotografico e curatrice indipendente, narra nei suoi scritti il percorso di quattro ritratti performativi nel libro. Illustra come ha concepito la sua tecnica del Ritratto Performativo, descrivendo gli step di ricerca per ciascun progetto e condiv...




American grape growing and wine making
Professor George Husmann, the author of this Volume, is the recognized authority on grape growing and wine making in the United States. His reputation has likewise extended all over Europe. When grape growing met with its disastrous collapse twelve or fifteen years ago, a few bore up under the sad reverses and labor...




Ciao Sasso
Un* bambin* trova un sasso, lo tocca, lo guarda e inizia a parlargli.Il sasso sembra non ascoltare, ma alla fine rompe il silenzio.Come in una danza, domanda dopo domanda, i due si avvicinano.All'inizio il sasso risponde lentamente e con poche parole, ma poi parla della vita, dell’amicizia.Conoscere qualcuno non sig...




一本值得典藏的佛教素食食譜   佛門「大寮」是食物烹調、料理的地方,即是一般所稱的「廚房」。而負責大寮,料理大眾齋飯飲食、調味之執事,稱為「典座」,典座除了是發心的職務,也是勵志道心的一門修行。   自古常云:大寮出祖師。在分秒必爭,水裡來火裡去的廚房中,除了忍熱、忍寒、忍累、忍苦外,更是長養慈悲心、忍耐力的修行道場...




El arte de la Guerra ( Clásicos de la literatura )
Contiene tabla de contenido activa (HTML) El tratado de estrategia más influyente del mundo The Art of War 'es un antiguo tratado militar chino que data del siglo V aC y se atribuye al antiguo estratega militar chino Sun Tzu. El texto está compuesto por 13 capítulos, cada uno de los cuales está dedicado a un aspecto...




How to Grow Magic Mushrooms
This book is a step by step guide on how to grow and cultivate your own Magic mushrooms at home. To successfully grow magic mushroom is very simple if you can follow the principles and processes laid down here. As for newbies to Psilocybin Mushrooms, this book is a comprehensive guide to all you need to know about m...




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