Look Again
For fans of Thinking, Fast and Slow and The Power of Habit, a groundbreaking new study of how disrupting our well-worn routines, both good and bad, can rejuvenate our days and reset our brains to allow us to live happier and more fulfilling lives. Have you ever noticed that what is thrilling on Monday tends to becom...




The History of Emotions
Very Short Introductions: Brilliant, Sharp, Inspiring Emotions are complex mental states that resist reduction. They are visceral reactions but also beliefs about the world. They are spontaneous outbursts but also culturally learned performances. They are intimate and private and yet gain their substance and signif...




英格蘭王朝二部曲.史詩最終章 金雀花家族╳蘭開斯特家族╳約克家族╳都鐸家族 百年的恩怨情仇,紅玫瑰與白玫瑰之間的戰爭 《旗幟晚報》、《公開信月刊》、《星期日電訊報》、《泰晤士報》、《星期日郵報》、《觀察家報》、《每日郵報》、《文學評論》同聲讚譽 繁體中文版獨家附贈精美「英格蘭四大家族世系海報」乙張 我的上一本書《金雀花王朝...




Third Eye Spies
“Russell Targ’s Third Eye Spies is a masterwork in the history and practice of remote viewing.” ーDean Radin, MS, PhD, chief scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences and author of Real Magic and other books Explore the evidence of psychic powers and learn the skills of remote viewing from the masters for yourse...




  SARS自二零零二年底起源於中國廣東省,由於中國全面封鎖消息,延遲至隔年的二月十日才向世衛組織通報,疫情已一發不可收拾。當時台灣跟中國當時往來密切,疫情延燒至台灣似乎不可避免。   衛生署在二零零三年三月十六日首度向外公布勤姓台商為台灣首個SARS個案,政府自此進入防疫期,雖然各項措施看似有在進行,但是疫情卻在中央與地方...




Scipione Africano
Roma e Cartagine si sorvegliavano fin dalla nascita della repubblica, quando nel 509 a.C. stipularono un trattato di non belligeranza. Poi, quasi tre secoli dopo, la situazione precipitò. La resa dei conti tra i due dominatori che si fronteggiavano sul Mediterraneo fu rappresentata dalla Seconda guerra punica. Una g...




The Routledge Companion to Video Game Studies
A definitive guide to contemporary video game studies, this second edition has been fully revised and updated to address the ongoing theoretical and methodological development of game studies. Expertly compiled by well-known video game scholars Mark J. P. Wolf and Bernard Perron, the Companion includes comprehensive...




The Xenophobe
A guide to understanding the Japanese which goes beyond the etiquette to uncover the real nature of the people of the rising sun.




**「風險」驅動文明發展! 一個經濟史,歷史學者長期缺乏的敘事視角 以金融學解釋社會進化,用風險與博弈重新理解人類命運! ▋ 大亂流時代下的必備觀點 ▋**   人類社會之所以進化至今,一切有跡可循…   面對動盪時局、非常狀態,   能將風險轉化為機會,才能帶領文明走向更遠。   經濟學者陳志武教授繼《沒有中國模式這回事!》、《...




世界宪制史9:从“亚洲的日本”到“日本的日本”: 日本宪制简史(中)
《世界宪制史》收录刘仲敬先生在冬川豆平台的系列讲座。 本篇为第9讲的整理稿。约四万五千字。 时间:2017年6月17日21:00开始 整理:三马兄 校对:xqmxqm 封面制作:冬川豆




漆器工藝非常複雜,有通體一色的素漆器, 有豐富畫意的描繪漆器,有精雕細刻的雕刻漆器, 有五彩斑斕的鑲嵌漆器,光輝燦爛的漆器藝術 如同一幅色彩神祕的畫卷,吸引著人們的目光。 ◤漆器的製作工藝 一般說來,一件普通的漆器成品的製成,至少需要半年的時間;稍微高檔和精細的漆器,則需要1年左右,而珍品的漆藝佳作,甚至需要兩三年的時間。...




Frontier Ethnic Minorities and the Making of the Modern Union of Myanmar
This book is concerned with three major issues in the relationship between the frontier peoples and the modern Union of Myanmar: the awakening of a sense of national identity among the frontier peoples of Myanmar and their nationalist movement; main factors driving the minorities to merge with Burmans to form a fede...




Operation Chiffon
On the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement, Peter Taylor tells for the first time the gripping story of Operation Chiffon, the top-secret intelligence operation that helped bring peace to Ireland. 'A gripping exploration of how MI5 and MI6 worked for a ceasefire with the IRA – and how one meeting changed e...




The Shortest History of Democracy
'DEMOCRACY HAS A LONG, EVENTFUL PAST. DOES IT HAVE A FUTURE?The roots of democracy stretch back beyond Athens to Syria- Mesopotamia and the Indian subcontinent, where citizens' assemblies held privilege and power to account over 3,000 years before the French Revolution. In this timely and illuminating new global his...




Ålevangeliet : berättelsen om världens mest gåtfulla fisk
VINNARE AV AUGUSTPRISET 2019 I DEN FACKLITTERÄRA KLASSEN Hur mycket kan man veta om en ål? Eller om en människa? "Ålevangeliet" är en bok om världens mest gåtfulla fisk. En fisk som gett upphov till ett alldeles eget mysterium inom naturvetenskapen, det som kallas ”ålfrågan”. En fisk som alla från Aristoteles till S...




Linkage Power Europe
This book looks at the history of the EU’s trade negotiations with China from 1975 to 2019 from a distinctive perspective – the EU as a linkage power. The author explains how the EU through linkage strategies speaks with one voice, overcomes its weakness in military capabilities and translates its non-military capab...




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