Shadow Weave Simply
Add Shadow Weave to your repertoire with Susan Kesler-Simpson's easy-to-follow instructions. Susan's approach is to first break down the structure of Shadow Weave so that any level weaver can understand how alternating light and dark threads in both warp and weft can present a dominant motif outlined with an identic...




Gothic Art
Gothic art finds its roots in the powerful architecture of the cathedrals of northern France. It is a medieval art movement that evolved throughout Europe over more than 200 years. Leaving curved Roman forms behind, the architects started using flying buttresses and pointed arches to open up cathedrals to daylight. ...




Knitted Scarves for Everyone
FIVE scarf patterns are presented with simple, illustrated instructions Four of the five scarves are inspired by a novel: Divergent by Veronica Roth. The fifth was my companion on a trip to Sydney, Australia. I rarely knit the same thing twice, but I hope others will take these designs, use them, enjoy them, and ada...




Der tut nix!
Mit diesem fundierten Ratgeber sind Sie bestens gerüstet für den Hundeführerschein und Sachkundenachweis. Er begleitet Sie von der Auswahl Ihres Welpen bis zum gut erzogenen erwachsenen Hund und vermittelt Ihnen verständlich das nötige Wissen zum richtigen Umgang mit Ihrem Hund. Lernen Sie an anschaulichen Beispiele...




Easy Knit Dishcloths
Add personality, sentiment, and coziness to your kitchen with Easy Knit Dishcloths. Don't underestimate the effect knitting your own dishcloths can have on a space! There's a difference between a house and a home, and there's definitely a difference between a kitchen and a cozy kitchen! Make your kitchen more than a...




Happy Fall Gnome Cross Stitch Pattern
This cute little gnome welcomes fall while adding a cute decorative touch to your home. This pattern is 100 stitches wide by 140 stitches tall.




Fired Up, Frantic, and Freaked Out: Training Crazy Dogs from Over the Top to Under Control
"I'm loving it! Laura has managed not only to write a clear and incredibly important book, she's really funny too! Her way of writing, the images in her language, and the diagrams make this book really stand out; there's no way to misunderstand the concepts she's presenting." -- Emelie Johnson Vegh, co-author of Agi...




「擁有=幸福」的唯一答案,已然崩解。 人,其實有更自由的選擇。 **從斷捨離到極簡主義,**暫時跟無止盡的物欲保持距離,開始思考「幸福的形式」。 日本亞馬遜整理收納、簡單生活、心靈勵志類3大榜TOP1。 美日台媒體爭相報導,《Time Warner Cable News》、《TVBS FOCUS全球新聞》、《NHK早安新聞專題報導》等。 世界知名的極簡主義者─賈伯斯...




The Nutcracker and the Mouse-King
The Classic that Started it All! Millions have seen the beloved Nutcracker ballet, and millions more are enjoying Disney's new take on this classic story in the 2018 film The Nutcracker and the Four Realms. Here is your chance to read the original 1816 story by E.T.A. Hoffman which inspired those wonderful works of ...




❀輕鬆繪製柔和優美的療癒花卉❀ 專為初學者設計的花草水彩自學指南 不論是要裝飾手帳頁面、製作手繪卡片與信紙,或者製作個人專屬的小禮物,這本書無所不包!本書的作者──瑪莉‧布彤,是一位自學成才的水彩畫藝術家,居住在藝術之都巴黎的她,擅長用現代化的渲染和疊色技法,描繪植物燦爛多彩的顏色和姿態,以花卉水彩充分展現巴黎的浪漫文化。...




超高詢問度!人氣老師Joyce的甜點造型蠟燭課! 以甜點為創作靈感,不藏私公開獨家蠟材混合配方x裝飾技法 做出好讓人想嚐一口,外型極為真實的可愛甜點蠟燭   色彩繽紛的小巧馬卡龍、有著融化冰紋的冰淇淋、圓蓬裂紋的甜甜圈泡芙、夾入粉紅草莓切片的芙蓮蛋糕、有著螺旋奶油紋切面的蛋糕捲、裝飾滿滿水果的生日蛋糕、點綴巧克力飾片的法式甜...




Treasury of Smocking Designs
Smocking, the venerable English peasant craft dating from the late eighteenth century, was a needle technique originally used to adorn the traditional rural work chemise. Today's needleworkers will welcome this collection of 22 beautiful smocking patterns by noted designer Allyne Holland, as well as an informative d...




Watercolor Basics
Problem Solved! Expert fixes for not-quite-right watercolors. As one of today's most sought-after workshop instructors, Charles Reid knows the most common stumbling blocks faced by artists and the best ways to overcome them. With expert advice on everything from drawing and design to fine-tuning figure and landscape...




Zero Waste Home
Zero Waste Home is the ultimate guide to simplified, sustainable living from Bea Johnson, 'the priestess of waste-free living' (The New York Times). Bea Johnson transformed her family's health, finances, and relationships for the better by reducing their waste to an astonishing half litre per year. It's all down to ...




Pergamano Parchment Craft
Parchment craft is the art of cutting, perforating and embossing parchment paper to create delicate, lace-like designs for greetings cards and other stationery, table decorations, fans, boxes, lampshades, paperweights, gift-wrapping and much more. Pergamano[trademark] Parchment Craft includes full step-by-step instr...




The Compost Coach
Spin food waste and household carbon into garden gold, learn about how and why soil matters, and make climate activism an everyday mission, with compost coach Kate Flood. The Compost Coach is a colourful, comprehensive and accessible guide to creating the very best compost AKA garden gold. Kate is on a mission to em...




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