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Combats pour l
Ce recueil essentiel publié chez Armand Colin en 1952 propose trente-trois articles écrits entre 1906 et 1952 par le co-fondateur avec Marc Bloch des Annales. Lucien Febvre y développe sa vision d'ensemble du champ de l'Histoire et propose de précieux conseils de méthode et y affirme sa dimension pluridisciplinaires...




The Black Towns
From Appomattox to World War I, Black Americans continued their quest for a secure position in the American system. The problem was how to be both black and Americanーhow to find acceptance, or even toleration, in a society in which the boundaries of normative behavior, the values, and the very definition of what it...




The Frontier Challenge
The story of the westward expansion of this country does not stop with the hardships encountered by travelers on the Mormon Trail, the discomforts endured by early settlers in sod houses, the bravery of the Pony Express riders, the romantic solitude of the cowboys, or the sufferings of the Indians forced to abandon ...




香江情懷 光影百年
繼第一部《百載香江·殖民印象》後,本圖冊以華人為主體,重現1860 至1960年代香港和香港人的影像。展示的照片來自不同的拍攝者:早期的專業攝影師約翰·湯姆森(John Thomson)、威廉·弗洛伊徳(William Floyd);華人影樓的亞芳、璸綸、華興、宜昌等;清末民初徳裔英國旅遊攝影師 埃米爾·奧托·霍普(Emile Otto Hoppé);二戰時法國的安徳烈·...




The Red Army at War
What was life in the Red Army like for the ordinary soldier during the Great Patriotic War, the fight between the Soviet Union and Germany on the Eastern Front? How far is the common perception of Red Army heroism and sacrifice borne out by historical reality? And what was the daily experience of the individual sold...




Staende & landesfuerstliche Herrschaft
Das Buch ist die erste historische Darstellung des Tiroler Ständewesens in der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts. Es wird darin en détail die institutionelle und personelle Entwicklungsgeschichte der Tiroler Landschaft im Zeitalter des Aufgeklärten Absolutismus der Habsburgermonarchie rekonstruiert. Dadurch wird n...




War Plan Orange
Based on twenty years of research in formerly secret archives, this book reveals for the first time the full significance of War Plan Orangeーthe U.S. Navy's strategy to defeat Japan, formulated over the forty years prior to World War II.




Milton Friedman
An Economist Best Book of 2023 | One of The New York Times’ 33 Nonfiction Books to Read This Fall | Named a most anticipated fall book by the Chicago Tribune and Bloomberg | Finalist for the 2024 Hayek Book Prize “Wherever you sit on the political spectrum, there’s a lot to learn from this book. More than a biograph...




印象中國十九世紀 Images of 19th Century China
透過西洋藝術珍藏 神遊昔日錦繡中華 This treasured western art collection is a spiritual journey into China's splendid past. 本書主要收錄十九世紀的刻印畫英國畫家Thomas Allom關於當時中國風貌的畫作,歐洲人對於中國的知識,有不少是從他的畫作中獲得,由於他對透視度的重視及擅長,畫中的建築,比用照片拍的更美,刻劃的內容相當豐...




Das Bild der DDR in Literatur, Film und Internet
Dieser Band widmet sich der Frage, mit welchen Bildern, Stereotypen, Konstruktionen, Mustern und Deutungen die DDR in Literatur, Film und Internet rückblickend erinnert wird. Welche Themen, Probleme, Gestalten und Ereignisse sind vorherrschend? Welche Wertungen zwischen Ostalgie und kritischer Aufarbeitung dominiere...




After Mahler
The music of Gustav Mahler repeatedly engages with Romantic notions of redemption. This is expressed in a range of gestures and procedures, shifting between affirmative fulfilment and pessimistic negation. In this groundbreaking study, Stephen Downes explores the relationship of this aspect of Mahler's music to the ...




The Machiavellian Moment
Originally published in 1975, The Machiavellian Moment remains a landmark of historical and political thought. Celebrated historian J.G.A. Pocock looks at the consequences for modern historical and social consciousness arising from the ideal of the classical republic revived by Machiavelli and other thinkers of Rena...




Kaiser Franz Joseph I.
Im November 1916 starb der Kaiser von Österreich Franz Joseph I. im hohen Alter nach nahezu 68-jähriger Regierungszeit. Christoph Schmetterer liefert mit dieser Biographie einen prägnanten Überblick, der die verschiedenen Facetten des langen Lebens und Wirkens des Monarchen informativ und eingängig darstellt. Mitte ...




The Enlightenment
What is the Enlightenment? A period rich with debates on the nature of man, truth and the place of God, with the international circulation of ideas, people and gold. But did the Enlightenment mean the same for men and women, for rich and poor, for Europeans and non-Europeans? In this fourth edition of her acclaimed ...




一九四一年十二月二十五日至一九四五年八月十五日,香港經歷三年零八個月的日據時期,飽受戰火蹂躪,人口銳減,經濟崩潰。 一九四五年二戰結束,日本宣佈投降,英軍重掌香港,於戰後進行重建。 鄭賓鴻擷取一九四五至一九四九年這五年時光,以紀實的筆觸記錄日據後期盟軍轟炸、日本投降後軍政府過渡期,及文人政府接掌重建秩序的歷程,在衣食...




Everyday Silence and the Holocaust
Everyday Silence and the Holocaust examines Irene Levin’s experiences of her family’s unspoken history of the Holocaust and the silence that surrounded their war experiences as non-topics. A central example of what C. Wright Mills considered the core of sociology – the intersection of biography and history – the boo...




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