A Photographic Journey Into The Life of Bonsai
A Stunning Collection of Photographs of Bonsai from All Over The World.




Handwoven Baby Blankets
What better way to welcome that precious, tiny new person than with a luxurious, handwoven blanket! These beautiful, colorful designs will appeal to today's contemporary moms, as well as lovers of traditional weaves.




John Salminen - Master of the Urban Landscape
Take a Journey with the Master of the Urban Landscape! John Salminen is one of the most accomplished watercolor artists working today, earning awards and recognition all over the world. Whether depicting the trees of Central Park, the architecture of San Francisco or the busy streets of Beijing, John Salminen's wate...




柴犬禪語 MARU禪
〜柴犬MARU×禪語故事〜 收錄大量MARU的可愛照片&讓人安定自在的禪語故事。 細細咀嚼禪語的奧祕**,**今天也保持微笑,圓滿生活吧! 【友情推薦】 ◎**〔柴犬大學** Shiba University**〕** ◎台灣官方MARU粉絲團**〔柴犬MARU丸太郎〕** 【本書特色】 ◎人氣網紅「柴犬MARU**」表情豐富的生活照,分享令人沉澱心靈的小語。** ◎****以簡單的生活...




The Sock Project
Oklahoma native and proud member of the Muscogee-Creek Nation, Summer Lee shares her knitting secrets for creating all shapes and sizes of socks with dots, zigzags, stripes, and a near-neon palette of happy colors. Sock projects are universally loved by knitters, but popular knitting creator Summer Lee has turned th...




Cute Kawaii Doodles
Bursting with ideas for illustrators and those who have never sketched before, this inspirational book will teach you how to draw more than 100 adorable doodles and super-cute characters in just a few easy steps. Starting with a simple shape such as a circle or a square, Sarah Alberto - aka Doodles by Sarah - shows ...




Ballades et romances d
Bienvenue dans la collection Les Fiches de lecture d’Universalis « Pur romantique » avant que ne triomphe en France ce courant littéraire, Adam Mickiewicz est, avec Norwid (1821-1883) et Slowacki (1809-1849), le plus grand des poètes polonais du XIXe siècle. Une fiche de lecture spécialement conçue pour le numérique...




Volume IV: Co-creation
Our civilization will be the first in the entire history of the planet to unite the opposites: the technocratic world and the achievements of the divine creations. This is not a fantasy, it is the great future. We can sense it already, today.  Tens of thousands of Russian citizens have already begun to material...




狗狗7歲就開始老化,你是否已準備好迎接愛犬老去? 史上最完備、最專業的【老犬居家照護全書】 ★電影《十二夜》導演 Raye 專文推薦 ★各界愛狗名人 Cherry拔、林イク淳、楊靜宇、譚艾珍 好評推薦 愛狗飼主必備的第一本「老犬照護指南」。 7****歲後的狗狗該怎麼養、怎麼顧,專業獸醫師一次告訴你! ◎****如果你再也走不動,我會陪著你一起...




Artistic Floral Design 2020
The result of a first-of-its-kind collaboration between the American Institute of Floral Designers (AIFD) and WildFower Media, this spectacular volume showcases the awe-inspiring floral design virtuosity of 24 gifted, AIFD-accredited botanical artists. Sixty-five original, never-before-published floral creations, pr...




Female Force: Taylor Swift
Attention, Swifties! Unite! TidalWave Comics proudly presents an extraordinary tribute to Taylor and her remarkable ERAS tour, which has shattered records. This captivating retrospective chronicles the career of America's beloved singer/songwriter. Taylor not only cherishes her fans but also supports charitable caus...




Crochet pattern small backpack
Crochet pattern small backpack This backpack is perfect for gifts. It can be used as a key fob, keepsake or accessory for your dolls! The finished dimensions are approx. 6 cm x 9 cm. Do not stay without yours! The realization of this project is easy to follow with this manual. Includes 7 well-detailed pages, step by...




鳥寶的行為問題引發關係危機── 用17位啾友改頭換面的真實案例,從觀察、前因到對策, 讓相處的「鳥事」迎刃而解   ★日本超人氣鳥類訓練師,貫穿生涯300件成功案例的行為教育心法   ★亂咬、拔羽毛、莫名亂叫……囊括鳥奴最熱議的頭痛行為 **  ▌肢體語言的正確解讀方式**   鳥寶未解的行為問題:怕生、咬毛、懼高、憂鬱等,都是有跡可循...




Knit Fold Pleat Repeat
Editor in chief of Vogue Knitting, Norah Gaughan shows you how to make rectangles, squares, and simple shapesーthen fold, twist, and pleat them to create unique, fashionable clothes and accessories. Simple shapes are ideal for the novice knitter, but the clever folds and fastenings of Knit, Fold, Pleat, Repeat will ...




Landscapes have long provided a source of inspiration for artists and makers. From the sharp concrete edges of buildings and frosted hedgerows to seaweed strewn beaches and eroded cliffs, there is so much we can take from the environment around us. Texture explores Erika Knight's personal journey through the landsca...




The Belgian Beerbook
The ultimate book on Belgian beer The Belgian Beer Book is a handy compass to guide you on your travels across our beer country of Belgium. Take a look with us at Belgian café culture and share our personal selection of specialty beer cafés. We dissect the secrets of the brewing process which takes us seamlessly to ...




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