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Popular Music and the Rise of Populism in Europe
This book focuses on the role of popular music in the rise of populism in Europe, centring on the music-related processes of sociocultural normalisation and the increasing prevalence of populist discourses in contemporary society. In its innovative combination of approaches drawing from (ethno)musicology, sociology,...




◎ 「全世界最危險的地方」的每個人應該要有基本軍事素養,増強自己的知識與實力,以消弭戰爭的可能。 ◎ 透過俄烏戰場的實際案例回看台海局勢,是《阿共打來怎麼辦》實戰升級版。 ◎ 俄烏戰場是檢視現今武器效能與戰略效果的資料庫,以實際案例對應台海雙邊軍備與區域情勢剖析,破除謠言,避免失敗主義蔓延而遂了對手的算計。 抵抗意志與備戰越...




  安身立命,继而立国兴邦。   知识分子的安身立命可以表现为三种不同的人生关怀:社会(政治)关怀、文化(价值)关怀和知识(专业)关怀。这是三种不同层面的人生关怀,有着由显到隐、由外向内、由入世到出世的区别。作为任何一代和任何一个知识分子,这三种关怀都是有可能而且有必要同时具备的。   《安身立命:大时代中的知识人》...




Leopard 2
A modeler’s guide to one of the most powerful tanks operating today: “Highly recommended.” ーAMPS Indianapolis When the Leopard 2, a third-generation main battle tank, first entered service with the Bundeswehr in 1979, at the height of the Cold War, it was indisputably the most advanced and potent tank in the world....




American History in 50,000 Words
General histories of the United States are often spread across multiple volumes. While such publications may be agreeable for history buffs, they are largely unapproachable for the general reader. This book aims to give the general reader a complete, albeit condensed, version of American history that tells a full st...




Introduction to Town Planning of Phoenician Cities
There has been much study in recent decades, of the way that cities have been built and planned and there is still much research to be undertaken. The following book is an attempt to synthesis the available knowledge, much of which is disparate and contained in a number of fields, and to coalesce this into a concept...




★ 「台北文學獎」散文首獎得主洪愛珠首部著作。 ★ 備受矚目、眾人垂涎敲碗的飲食書寫新聲音。 ★ 舒國治、馬世芳、蔡珠兒、古碧玲、セン宏志、韓良憶、簡媜重量級推薦。 ∣ 她的老派,是養成,是本性,也是鄉愁 ∣ 她自小看著有頭家娘風範的外婆與母親,進出廚房,起灶架鍋,張羅數十家人員工日常吃食,宴請東南亞與中東等地賓客,哄嚷熱烈,直...




European Media Systems for Deliberative Communication
European Media Systems for Deliberative Communication explores how four dimensions of national media systems – the legal framework for freedom of expression and information, media accountability, journalism and audience media usage and competencies – contribute to or are detrimental to the success of deliberative co...




The Dragon in the West
An exploration of how the image and idea of the dragon has evolved through history How did the dragon get its wings? Everyone in the modern West has a clear idea of what a dragon looks like and of the sorts of stories it inhabits, not least devotees of the fantasies of J. R. R. Tolkien, J. K. Rowling, and George R. ...




Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Sri Lanka
The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Sri Lanka offers a comprehensive survey of issues facing the island country and an overview delineating some key moments in the country’s contemporary polity, economy, and sociality. This book outlines aspects and influences foundational to understanding a country defined by it...




Burning Steel
'Excellent ... a raw and visceral, bird's-eye view of the action from the men who were there' The Times This is the story of a tank regiment: the 2nd Fife and Forfar Yeomanry in the Second World War. Raw and visceral personal recollections from the men themselves recall some of the most dramatic and horrific scenes ...




RAF Tornado Units of Gulf War I
When the Gulf Crisis of 1990 was triggered by the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, the RAF responded by sending Tornado F 3 fighters to Saudi Arabia to help defend the country against further aggression. These aircraft were followed by the deployment of Tornado GR 1 strike/attack aircraft to Bahrain. Eventually three wings...




1841 年1 月25 日,一隊英國海軍官兵在中國南方珠江三角洲一個小島登陸,升起英國國旗;第二天,英國遠征軍司令代表英國政府正式佔領此地。這個名為香港的不起眼小島,注定不平凡的歷史正式展開。 由「不毛之地」到「東方之珠」,由小漁港到國際金融中心,香港的地理優勢,令這個彈丸之地總是在世界舞台佔一席位;由兩個世界的邊界,由英國殖...




The Cattle Guard
With this study the cattle guard joins the sod house, the windmill, and barbed wire as a symbol of range country on the American Great Plains. A U.S. folk innovation now in use throughout the world, the cattle guard functions as both a gate and a fence: it keeps livestock from crossing, but allows automobiles and pe...




The World in Your Hands: A Guide to Every Nation. Vol 01
Introducing the ultimate guide to exploring the world, "The World in Your Hands". This comprehensive book provides a wealth of information on every country on the planet (they are in alphabetical order from volume 1 to 10 - each volume will contain 20 countries), covering all aspects of their history, language, food...




這場大案竟將各種「治法」的隙漏暴露無遺。 不禁讓人追問:究竟是法之不「治」誘引了人之不「治」? 還是不「治」之人導致了不「治」之法?     ──中央研究院歷史語言研究所研究員.陳熙遠.專文推薦 乾隆四十六年(1781)甘肅案爆發,以布政使王亶望為核心,上至位列封疆的地方總督,下至所轄的道、府、州、縣等各級官員,超過百人上下...




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