量身打造獨一無二的手工ソウ, 運用生活靈感,結合精油香氛的自然美學。 油畫、渲染、漸層、拉花等各種達人技法,   加上最新創意ソウ與寶石ソウ,全新教學完整呈現!   從植物精油挑選、天然色粉入ソウ到不同油品搭配,由基礎打ソウ開始,即使是新手也能輕鬆入門,一起完成適合自己的美感香氛ソウ。 ★POINT1 結合美觀與實用:簡易的家事...




Sugar Gliders: The Ultimate Pet Owner
As one of the most popular exotic pets today, sugar gliders are known for their affection towards their owners and their endearing personalities. Even though they are small in size, they enter the hearts of their owners in a big way. If you are interested in learning everything there is to know about sugar gliders, ...




Gartenvögel Österreichs - Vögel Erkennen, Bestimmen und Schützen
*** Die 100 häufigsten Gartenvögel Österreichs *** Einfacher Bestimmungsschlüssel. Alle Arten sind mit brillanten Farbfotos bebildert. Der kompetente und umfassende digitale Naturführer von Sunbird Images für die ganze Familie. Die Flowing Layout Version. Nach offiziellen Zäh...




Charming Colorwork Socks
Get ready to cast on the colorwork socks of your dreams! Prolific knitwear designer and colorwork aficionado Charlotte Stone has created a sensational variety of patterns in her signature colorful style, so you can flaunt your personality and keep your feet cozy at the same time. Whether or not you’re experienced in...




Knives 2022, 42nd Edition
A celebration of knifemaking and knife collecting! Now in its 42nd Edition, KNIVES 2022, from the publishers of BLADE Magazine, is the annual showcase of the most remarkable custom and factory-manufactured knives in one remarkable collection. This year’s edition features more knives than ever, with more than 700 ful...




Create your dream yarn! Discover the pleasures of designing and building custom-made yarn by spinning it yourself, choosing everything from color to feel and gauge. Jillian Moreno leads you through every step of yarn construction, with detailed instructions and step-by-step photos showing you how to select the fiber...




Cute and Easy Crochet with Flowers
Make 35 gorgeous crochet projects all incorporating beautiful floral motifs and decorations. Nicki Trench returns with another set of cute and easy crochet projects for your home, family and friends, all in a pretty pastel colour palette and adorned with crocheted flowers. Divided into three chapters, the book begin...




A Treatise on Painting
The young student should, in the first place, acquire a knowledge of perspective, to enable him to give to every object its proper dimensions: after which, it is requisite that he be under the care of an able master, to accustom him, by degrees, to a good style of drawing the parts. Next, he must study Nature, in or...




Discover stunning custom knives! Throughout history, knives of untold numbers of styles, materials and designs have been carried as tools, weapons and adornments -- and each knife has a distinct attraction all its own. That allure has helped custom knifemaking evolve, and continue to grow and thrive today. The pages...




Sweet zeichnen - 200 süße Motive von Instagram-Artist olguioo
Strich, Strich, Kreis, fertig! Mit Markern, Buntstiften & Co. einfach tolle Motive gestalten! Olga Ortiz, aka olguioo, zeigt dir in diesem Büchlein Schritt für Schritt, wie du zu super einfachen und süßen Motiven gelangst. Ohne viel lesen zu müssen, kannst du direkt zum Stift greifen und losmalen. 200 supersüße Mot...




Furniture Fundamentals - Casework
Build your skills by building boxes! Mastering casework--essentially making boxes--allows you to create a wide variety of furniture from cabinets to bookcases to blanket chests. Within these pages, you'll find insight into various approaches to casework including face frames, frameless constructions and joinery opti...




The Fleece & Fiber Sourcebook
This one-of-a-kind encyclopedia shines a spotlight on more than 200 animals and their wondrous fleece. Profiling a worldwide array of fiber-producers that includes northern Africa’s dromedary camel, the Navajo churro, and the Tasmanian merino, Carol Ekarius and Deborah Robson include photographs of each animal’s fle...




Traditional Ironwork Designs
From an exceptional collection of the finest examples of German ironwork comes this rich source of royalty-free images for artists and craftspeople. More than 270 illustrations depict a broad variety of magnificent ironworks from the city of Düsseldorf, with finely rendered examples of the craft ranging from elabora...




Knives 2021, 41st Edition
Discover stunning custom knives! Throughout history, knives of untold numbers of styles, materials and designs have been carried as tools, weapons and adornments -- and each knife has a distinct attraction all its own. That allure has helped custom knifemaking evolve, and continue to grow and thrive today. The pages...




Sketching Techniques for Artists
Learn dynamic sketching and watercolor techniques for creating cityscapes, landscapes, figures and faces, still lifes, and more, enhancing the story you want to tell with form, line, and color. Discover incredible methods and tips for creating dramatic street scenes and vivid landscapes, and capturing dynamic figure...




Sirius is a dog with humanlike intelligence. He is raised by scientist Thomas Trelone in North Wales, near Trawsfynydd. Thomas embarks on a program of using steroids and other chemicals to rapidly develop cognitive power of dogs, resulting in super sheep dogs. Sirius, however, proves to possess a dog intelligence co...




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