UNBORED Games has all the smarts, creativity, and DIY spirit of the original UNBORED (“It's a book! It's a guide! It's a way of life!” -Los Angeles Magazine), but with a laser-like focus on the activities we do for pure fun: to while away a rainy day, to test our skills and stretch our imaginations-games. There are ...




RHS How Can I Help Hedgehogs?
'Britain's ten million acres of private gardens add up to a vital haven for wildlife. Chock-a-block with ideas for encouraging wildlife into your plot, this pocket-sized book tells you how to make your off-street parking wildlife-friendly, why you should welcome wasps into the garden and whether you should let ladyb...




Mi sabiduría canina
¿Estás pensando tener un perro? ¿Ya tienes un cachorro, pero no conoces los cuidados que necesita o no sabes cómo educarlo? ¿Tienes un peludo hace años, pero a veces no logras controlarlo? Si la respuesta a cualquiera de estas preguntas es sí, este libro es para ti. En sus páginas, el experto en comportamiento canin...




Ornamental Tropical Shrubs
For gardeners lucky enough to live in the subtropical and tropical zones, here are 83 shrubs they can count on to display beautiful flowers and/or colorful, interesting leaves. Stunning color photos and practical advice make this book an inspiration as well as a how-to manual for those who want their gardens to put ...




Joy at Work
Declutter your desk and brighten up your business with this transformative guide from an organizational psychologist and the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. The workplace is a magnet for clutter and mess. Who hasn't felt drained by wasteful meetings, disorganized papers...




Care for your Gerbil (The Official RSPCA Pet Guide)
Sponsored by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the RSPCA Guides give you the most helpful and accurate advice on how to best care for your pet. Care For Your Gerbil is full of helpful advice about how to choose a gerbil and how best to look after it. All aspects of day-to-day care are cover...




The Nordic Knitting Primer
Everything You Need to Know to Master Colorwork Gorgeous Scandinavian knitwear is within reach for knitters of all levels with this collection of timeless patterns and essential techniques. Kristin Drysdale, founder of Scandiwork, has taught countless knitters the art of colorwork with her innovative and approachabl...




Creating the Perfect Wood Finish with Joe L Erario
Finishing Secrets From One of "The Furniture Guys" Joe L'Erario, (you'll remember him and his partner Ed Feldman as the Furniture Guys), has some astonishing ideas about finishing: It doesn't have to be dangerous, grueling and dusty scut-work. It can be safe, simple and pleasurable scut-work - with a great-looking p...




Horse Brain, Human Brain
Over 85% of horse training problems are due to humans being unable to think like a horse The first book written for horsemen by a doctor of cognitive science Throughout the book there are "barn side" applications of brain science-it's not a text book! Readers will walk away knowing more about their own brains as wel...




〜描繪人體形態、比例及動作的必備工具〜 ★亞馬遜讀者4.7****星至高好評 ★****實用、專業、經典於一體的古典藝用人體解剖學傑作 ★CCH概念設計工作室創辦人 簡志嘉 審定 【本書特色】 ◎以平面圖指出解剖構造的名稱。 ◎列出構造名的英文發音,並提出拉丁語或希臘語字源解釋。 ◎列出同一構造的其他常用同義詞列表。 ◎描述肌肉、骨骼等其他部位構...




The Complete Joy of Homebrewing
The homebrewer's bibleーeverything you need to know to brew beer at home from start to finish, including new recipes, updated charts on hop varieties, secrets to fermentation, beer kit tips, and moreーfrom the master of homebrewing The Complete Joy of Homebrewing is the essential guide to understanding and making a ...




茶的故鄉在中國,中國人以茶為藥,采茶為飲,中國是最先發現並利用茶的國家,也是古代茶學最發達的國家,茶學的故鄉也在中國。 《飲茶史話》從講述茶學、茶聖與《茶經》開始,涉及茶樹栽培、茶與中國文化、歷代名茶、貢茶、五彩香茗等,也描述了花香茶的制作,還介紹了紫砂器、兔毫盞、鷓鴣斑盞等茶具,對茶藝、茶館以及茶俗也有概述。茶改變...




Paracord Fusion Ties - Volume 2
Paracord Fusion Ties - Volume 2 (PFT-V2) is the second installment in the paracord fusion ties book series and another stunning achievement by author J.D. Lenzen. Like Paracord Fusion Ties - Volume 1, PFT-V2 reveals innovative and stylish ways of storing paracord for later use. So once again you'll find crisp, clear...




**A hands-on manual and a history and celebration of clothes tending--and its remarkable resurgence as art form, political statement, and path to healing the planet. “For Fans of NBC’s Making It, Bravo’s Project Runway, or shopping vintage: A sweater gets a hole? Sew it closed... Part history and part how-to, Mend! ...




The definitive, practical guide to spoon carving, with 16 designs to create. This is a beautifully illustrated journey through spoon traditions and folklore, from the woods to the workshop and back to the reader's kitchen, by master craftsman Barn The Spoon. **'No one in Britain knows more about crafting a spoon fro...




新手入門必讀!老手進階必學絕技! 私房訣竅完整傳授,讓您的ソウ藝更上層樓。 南和月老師玩ソウ型的功力堪稱無人能及,不論是圓滾滾的捲捲ソウ,或宛如魔術方塊的馬賽克ソウ,甚至是還有動物斑紋的圖樣設計,皆相當吸睛,本書將大方公開其創作過程,相信妳也會一玩就上癮喔! 本書特色 ■獨家玩ソウ新手法 收錄30款獨特創意作品,不論是捲捲...




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