如何讓工作不只是工作,而是自己主演的電影? 從此工作不再是人生的不得不, 自由也不需要等到有一天。 這本書怎麼這麼晚才出版?應該要更早出的! ──李惠貞(獨角獸計劃發起人、《成為自由人》作者) 流行預測師的第一份工作竟然是挖石油? 大學主修日文,卻同時開設美語學校。畢業後跑去挖黒金,接著工作場景又換為時尚華服……Emily的每一份...




Million Dollar Weekend
**AN INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER The founder and CEO of AppSumo.com, Noah Kagan, knows how to launch a seven-figure business in a single weekendーand he’s done it seven times. Million Dollar Weekend will show you how.** Now is the best time in history for entrepreneurship. More than ever, the world needs new b...




Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN® Examination - E-Book
Prepare for success on the NCLEX-RN® exam with this complete review! Often called the best NCLEX® exam review book ever, Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN® Examination reviews all nursing content areas related to the current test plan. This new edition includes 5,700 NCLEX exam-style questions in the bo...




Histology for Pathologists
Filled with more than 1,000 images, the latest edition of this award-winning comprehensive classicーwritten by anatomic pathologists for anatomic pathologistsーhas been updated with new information on surgical principles and techniques. Like previous editions, the book is designed to bridge the gap between normal hi...




Death and Desire (RLE: Lacan)
The immensely influential work of Jacques Lacan challenges readers both for the difficulty of its style and for the wide range of intellectual references that frame its innovations. Lacan’s work is challenging too, for the way it recentres psychoanalysis on one of the most controversial points of Freud’s theory – th...




Viral Times
This book explores the relationship between COVID-19 and AIDS. It considers both how the earlier HIV pandemic informed our engagement with COVID-19, as well as the ways in which COVID-19 has changed how we remember and experience AIDS. Individual sections focus on sexual and intimate relationships, inequalities and ...




The Oxford Handbook of Self-Determination Theory
Self-Determination Theory (SDT) is a broad theory of psychological growth and wellness that has revolutionized how we think about human motivation. SDT has been the basis for new and more effective practices in parenting, education, business, sport, healthcare, and other areas of life fostering higher-quality motiva...




Duty Calls
Follow the remarkable journey of a trailblazing American leader, Dr. Antonia Novello, the first woman and the first Hispanic Surgeon General of the United States Dr. Antonia Novello is a vanguard in the United States and Puerto Rico, whose enduring commitment to service has left an indelible mark on the world of pub...




Porn Addiction Signs: How to Stop Porn Addiction
Reclaim Your Focus and Productivity Are you tired of feeling like porn is controlling your life? Do you want to reclaim your focus, productivity, and overall well-being? Understanding Porn Addiction Discover how porn hijacks your natural drives, leaving you craving more but feeling unsatisfied. Learn why watching po...




The AI Revolution in Medicine
AI is about to transform medicine. Here's what you need to know right now. ''The development of AI is as fundamental as the creation of the personal computer. It will change the way people work, learn, and communicate--and transform healthcare. But it must be managed carefully to ensure its benefits outweigh the ris...




Zero Stress Keto: Easy-to-Follow Recipes & Macro-Friendly Meals
Embark on a delightful culinary journey with "Zero Stress Keto: Easy-to-Follow Recipes & Macro-Friendly Meals," your ultimate guide to mastering the keto lifestyle effortlessly. This book is packed with delicious and innovative recipes that make sticking to the ketogenic diet a breeze. Whether you're a beginner or a...




正視童年被凍結的情緒, 找到療癒的起點 心理治療師,透過練習與故事,帶你走出童年受困的隱藏情緒 為什麼我的人生總是不斷犯同樣的錯誤? 為什麼被愛這麼困難? 為什麼一直和不對的人走在一起? 與失落的內在小孩相遇,走出負傷迴圈,一同邁向幸福未來。 「回家」是什麼感覺? 你會療癒那些阻礙我們好好生活的創傷或不實想法,感到更為自由...




即使是忙碌的上班族也能快速、持久、輕鬆地跑步。 運用科學途徑設計出跑步方法「弘山理論」, 受到許多希望提升個人表現的市民跑者支持。 **  超高效率的跑法是什麼?**   不少跑者都為了無法有效率地跑步而感到煩惱。那麼,具體而言究竟有多少跑者正在面對自己的瓶頸呢?這次,本書針對了約350名跑者進行了問卷調查,發現清楚明瞭自己瓶...




Scale Development
Scale Development: Theory and Applications, by Robert F. DeVellis and new co-author Carolyn T. Thorpe, demystifies measurement by emphasizing a logical rather than strictly mathematical understanding of concepts. The Fifth Edition includes a new chapter that lays out the key concepts that distinguish indices from sc...




The Science of Weird Shit
An accessible and gratifying introduction to the world of paranormal beliefs and bizarre experiences. Ghostly encounters, alien abduction, reincarnation, talking to the dead, UFO sightings, inexplicable coincidences, out-of-body and near-death experiences. Are these legitimate phenomena? If not, then how should we g...




他是世界頂尖的科學家、發明家, 同時也是教育家和傳道人; 他改變台灣、全球的半導體產業發展,影響巨大且深遠。 本書是作者在金三角(家庭、工作、生命)的數十年實踐所得, 藉著全書出現70多次的「用心」,將他的所有呈現給你。 本書為林本堅院士費時兩年多的親筆撰述。從家庭生活、成長學習、基督信仰、職場經驗四個面向,以誠摯清新又不...




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