Slave Women in the New World
In this innovative study, Marietta Morrissey reframes the debate over slavery in the New World by focusing on the experiences of slave women. Rich in detail and rigorously comparative, her work illuminates the exploitation, achievements, and resilience of slave women in the British, Dutch, French, Spanish, and Danis...




Neo-Ottomanism and the Politics of Emotions in Turkey
This open access book explores the politics of emotions under the ruling Justice and Development Party in Turkey and the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. It examines how emotional politics and, particularly, the use of a Neo-Ottomanist narrative created a new national mood and contributed to the durabil...




An Introduction to the Towns of the Ancient Celts
In essence the Celts were not an urban people, their mitre was for lakes, glens and groves. Their special points were islands and Tor. In Ireland the only modern Celtic state, the population is still predominantly rural or dwellers of small towns, and indeed the main large town in modern Ireland were all Viking esta...




Invisible Doctrine
#1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER • A “fantastic” (Mark Ruffalo), fiercely argued takedown of neoliberalism that not only defines this slippery concept but connects it to the climate crisis, poverty, and fascismーand shows us how to fight back. “Incisive, illuminating, eye-openingーan unsparing anatomy of the great ideolog...




台灣成為美食王國,不是沒有道理! 《蚵仔煎的身世》作者曹銘宗╳台灣史專家翁佳音, 這回話說重頭,帶你瞭解台灣人吃東西的歷史 美食王國是怎樣吃出來的? 台灣美食享譽國際,背後有值得細細探索的美味歷史。位居歐亞大陸與太平洋交會之處,造就台灣兼具生物與文化多樣的雙重特性。數百年來,從南島語族的海上交流,到外來移民的農產引進與改...




Migration, Dislocation and Movement on Screen
Contemporary screen industries such as film and television have become primary sites for visualizing borders, migration, maps, and travel as processes of separation and dislocation, but also connection. Migration, Dislocation and Movement on Screen pulls case studies in film and television industries from throughout...




A History of the American Musical Theatre
From the diverse proto-theatres of the mid-1800s, though the revues of the ‘20s, the ‘true musicals’ of the ‘40s, the politicisation of the ‘60s and the ‘mega-musicals’ of the ‘80s, every era in American musical theatre reflected a unique set of socio-cultural factors. Nathan Hurwitz uses these factors to explain th...




This book is dedicated to MiG-23 ''Flogger'',the first variable-geometry fighter of Soviet Union.The book covers the complete history of that amazing aircraft from the design to various editions and improvements that through the years made it a very capable fighter equal to the Western machines,such as F-4 Phantom i...




Unbound Queer Time in Literature, Cinema, and Video Games
Unbound Queer Time in Literature, Cinema, and Video Games investigates the potential of queer conceptions of time to unbind forms of understanding identities. In doing so, it recognizes the power of time to determine us but chooses to queer time and turn it into an ally of unbound forms of understanding identities. ...




文化大革命期間,攝影記者李振盛由於「紅色新聞兵」的身份,得以用相機記錄文革現場的眾多景象。在他記錄的文革百態中,有大量本應銷毀的「為文革抹黒」的照片。他將這近兩萬張「負面」底片藏在家中地板之下,加上細心保存的另外八萬張ーー共計十萬張底片,為文革保存了珍貴的一手影像資料。 此次中文版的出版,是這本書首次與中文讀者見面。...




An Introduction to Town Planning in Ancient Greece
One of the most significant to the evolution of the modern city, were the cities of the classical age of the Greek city states. This period saw the flowering of the Classical Greek mind. It is the beginnings of a culture that is recognizably western and it was a time that saw a significant maturation of urban form. ...




The White Slave Trade
It is a story as old as the human race but one that has been written out of the history books. It is a story of rape brutality and profits, of people transported across the world then worked to death. There have always been slaves, but there is a difference. These were not black people dragged in chains from Africa....




Achieving Global Open Access
Achieving Global Open Access explores some of the key conditions that are necessary to deliver global Open Access (OA) that is effective and equitable. Often assumed to be a self-evident good, OA has been subject to growing criticism for perpetuating global inequities and epistemic injustices. It has been seen as im...




The most frank and intimate portrait of the Trump White House yet Stephanie Grisham rose from being a junior press wrangler on the Trump campaign in 2016 to assuming top positions in the administration as White House press secretary and communications director, while at the same time acting as First Lady Melania Tru...




Sherman Medium Tank 1942–45
The M4 Sherman tank was the mainstay of the Western allies between 1942 and 1945. Fast and modern it was better than most of the tanks Britain had to offer. The American Chief of Staff claimed in November 1943 that it had been hailed widely as 'the best tank on the battlefield today'. However, by the time of the Nor...




Addressing Global Challenges - Exploring Socio-Cultural Dynamics and Sustainable Solutions in a Changing World
The International Symposium on Humanities and Social Sciences: Addressing Global Challenges-Exploring Socio-Cultural Dynamics and Sustainable Solutions in a Changing World (ISHSS 2023) unfolds as a crucial academic undertaking, centred around the overarching theme of intellectual synergy and inquiry. This conference...




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