Clean Mama
The creator of the popular cleaning website Clean Mama and author of Clean Mama’s Guide to a Healthy Home shows you how to establish systems and rituals to transform your home into a clean, organized, and comfortable space for you and your family. We all want our homes to be cozy and comfortable spaces where we can ...




Your Hermit Crab
Hermit Crabs provides concise yet complete coverage of important crab care topics such as feeding, housing, and selecting shells. Using full-color photos and tip boxes that highlight essential topics, this book encompasses all the basics of hermit crab care and shows why these unique and exotic creatures are the per...




The Well Gardened Mind: Rediscovering Nature in the Modern World
‘The wisest book I’ve read for many years … Much more than a gardening book, much more than a guide to mental health … Hugely recommended’ Stephen Fry THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER A Times and Sunday Times Best Book of 2020 How can gardening relieve stress and help us look after our mental health? What lies behind the...




You Grow, Gurl!
Discover the joys and self-nurturing benefits of plant parenthood, from learning how to begin building your own lush plant family to getting into those fun tips on how to care for your green gurls, with this beautiful, illustrated guide from the dazzling creator of the @plantkween Instagram account. “We all love som...




Wildlife Gardening
An easy-to-follow gardening guide to help you encourage different types of wildlife into your garden. If you want to attract more bees, birds, frogs and hedgehogs into your garden, look no further than Wildlife Gardening for Everyone and Everything. Kate Bradbury offers tips on feeding your neighbourhood wildlife an...








專屬一個人的花草優雅繪〜 簡單步驟學會畫花草,浪漫100%! 想畫花草時,這本書裡有超多實用的範例! 作者分享了自學者第一次也能畫得很漂亮的花草繪畫技巧,你可以選用喜歡的材料,開始學畫可愛又姿態優雅的花草ーー書中示範的花草造型多樣,畫法由簡單到豐富,顏色搭配富變化又有層次,一定能讓你從簡單步驟入手、輕鬆學會、越畫越美! *...




Silent Earth
**THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER 'Read this book, then look and wonder' Sunday Times** *A TLS Book of the Year* We have to learn to live as part of nature, not apart from it. And the first step is to start looking after the insects, the little creatures that make our shared world go round. Insects are essential for lif...




How to Live Like Your Cat
A fun present for cat lovers everywhere: a light-hearted self-help guide to help you live more like your cat LET YOUR CAT BE YOUR LIFE COACH. Do cats worry about their pension? Nope. Do cats take on work they don’t want to do? As if! Do cats rush around hectically when they’d rather be licking their paws and looking...




Magic The Gathering: Drafting Guide For Beginners
Do you want to start winning at Magic the Gathering? Are you worried about your strategies? Do you need a little help to get started with drafting? Do you feel stagnant, stuck in a rut, and ready for a change? Are you terrified of wasting tons of money and still losing? If you keep doing what you've always done, you...




All New Square Foot Gardening, 3rd Edition, Fully Updated
This updated third edition of the best-selling gardening book in North America continues to inspire with planting charts, growing tips, and the know-how you need to grow more veggies than ever before. Since Square Foot Gardening was first introduced by Mel Bartholomew in 1981, this revolutionary way to grow vegetabl...




A Guide Book of United States Coins 2021
Identify your coins quickly and easily! THE OFFICIAL RED BOOK® features full-color, actual-size and enlarged photos, with historical details about each piece. The Red Book shows mintages for all federal coins, from the ultra rare to the everyday. You might have a real rarity in your pocket change! Find out how much ...




下架X塗黒X禁止閱讀 蜘蛛俠到小丑、鐵金剛大魔神到哥吉拉、肉蒲團到AV帝王 跟著舊書偵探高苦茶一起踏入戒嚴時代 偷偷窺看當年私下傳遞的娛樂讀物 附錄珍稀罕見書影:蜘蛛俠、大魔神、戰士黒豹、星新一作品**……** 漫威蜘蛛人首次登臺,竟然全是盜版! 是哪部作品鄭問親口說出:「希望看過它的人都消失在世上」 AI如果會寫小說,日本科幻短篇小...




The Cat Who Saved Books
The Cat Who Saved Books is a heartwarming story about finding courage, caring for others – and the tremendous power of books. 'Enchanting' – Observer __________ Natsuki Books was a tiny second-hand bookshop on the edge of town. Inside, towering shelves reached the ceiling, every one crammed full of wonderful books. ...




The Complete Guide to Restoring Your Soil
Healthy soil is key to sustaining life on Earth. While more and more people are starting to see the need for soil restoration, there is very little understanding of just how it can be accomplished. There is a rapidly emerging demand for a “how to” manual for soil restoration. Dale Strickler is an expert on building ...




人類最需要知道的人狗關係學 培養人狗好關係,做狗狗一輩子最好的朋友 千古以來,人狗關係非比尋常。有人愛狗成癡,有人見狗就怕,也有人兩種情愫兼具。當狗兒行為令人捉摸不定、困惑不已,牠們又是如何解讀人類行為的? 本書以革命性的科學新觀點看待我們與狗之間的關係,著重於人狗行為的比較;企圖以知己知彼的角度,解開人狗相處時的溝通...




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