The Complete Works of Mark Twain
This book contains now several HTML tables of contents that will make reading a real pleasure! Mark Twain is most noted for his novels, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876), and its sequel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885), the latter often called "the Great American Novel." Among dozens of titles, some of his w...




Drawing & Designing Tattoo Art
Learn how to create bold, original designs from a master tattoo artist! Tattooing is an art form like no other...indelible, wearable paintings, each on a one-of-a-kind, ever-moving "canvas." Step into the parlor with master tattoo artist Fip Buchanan as he shares more than thirty years of experience and the secrets ...




Introduction to Conifers: Growing Conifer Trees and Shrubs in Your Garden
Table of Contents Introduction to Conifers Introduction Growing Conifers Tips before Choosing Your Conifers The Scots Pine [Pinus species] Growing a Scots Pine Successfully Silver [white] Firs The Douglas Fir Spruce [Picea] Cypress – Cupressus Junipers Cedars Planting Your Conifers Conclusion Author Bio Publisher In...




Overshot Simply
Overshot is perhaps the most iconic weaving technique--think antique coverlets and fancy table runners--yet many weavers are intimidated by its complex-looking structure. But it doesn't have to be difficult! In this book, Susan Kesler-Simpson makes overshot approachable by breaking it down piece by piece so that the...




Chudley and Greeno
The 12th edition of Chudley and Greeno’s Building Construction Handbook remains THE authoritative reference for all construction students and professionals. The principles and processes of construction are explained with the concepts of design included where appropriate. Extensive coverage of building construction p...




Saltwater Mittens from the Island of Newfoundland
Woollen mittens have long been a Newfoundlander’s best friend. The warmer the better. In a quirky climate of freeze, thaw, blow, and drizzle, good mittens made all tasks easierーto split birch, hammer a nail, gut a fish, draw and haul water, hang clothes on a line, shoot a seabird, or snare a rabbit. Social life, to...




【美國長銷20年的液體ソウ專書】 45款液體ソウ × 46****款精油香氛 洗髮精.沐浴露.洗手乳,在家做專屬個人的天然****液體ソウ 本書從油品的特性、材料與器具、製作的基本技巧,到液體ソウ配方, 深入淺出的詳細介紹,不僅可作為初學者的入門書,也是資深ソウ迷的進階書。 ‖ 必學****經典配方,給肌膚最好的照顧 ‖ 洗淨肌膚,卻能同時保持滋...




Gustav Klimt: 134 Master Drawings
Gustav Klimt was an Austrian symbolist artist, whose primary subject was the female body. His paintings, murals, and sketches are marked by a sensual eroticism, which is especially apparent in his pencil drawings. He was Vienna's most famous advocator of Art Nouveau, or, as the style was identified in Germany, "yout...




The Photographer
When photographing people, you can have a great composition, perfect light, and the right camera settings, but if your subject doesn’t look rightーif the pose is offーthe shot will not be a keeper. Posing is truly a crucial skill that photographers need to have in order to create great photographs. If you’re looking...




Crisis Survival
What do you do if your aircraft ditches at sea? Or your building is on fire? Or you are the victim of a terrorist attack? Would you make the right decision to save yourself and the lives of others? Crisis Survival is a complete handbook to any crisis that may suddenly arise, from food or water shortages, to natural ...




今天開始來畫你的第一幅水彩畫吧! 輕鬆洗筆、自由控制水量,水筆讓水彩畫變簡單了! 從認識色彩到調色、玩色,找到適合自己的色彩和繪畫表現; 平塗、重疊、渲染、漸層……從一筆一畫中學習水彩技巧,不擅長繪畫的人也能畫出驚人的作品。 【本書特色】 *工具、運筆技巧解說都詳盡又易懂,O基礎自學者也能輕鬆上手,體驗更多畫水彩畫的樂趣! ...




Adorable Knitted Animals
Sweet and soft animal friends made with popular Japanese knitting techniques. This collection of 25 cuddly toy animals includes everything from favorite pets to zoo animals. Made with soft materials and adorable expressions, these sweet companions make the perfect gift for newborns, grandchildren and animal lovers a...




【第一本手工ソウ調色╳配色專書】 集結15年做ソウ精華,國際級專業調色認證 完.全.公.開 娜娜媽教授過數百場手工ソウ課程,深知大家在做ソウ過程中會遇到的各種調色難題, 本書籌備耗時三年、製作超過10,000顆ソウ,彙整出一套簡單易學的手工ソウ配色系統! 將顛覆過往「一種顏色就要買一種色粉」的作法, 教大家利用紅、黃、藍三種顏色,...




Victorian Goods and Merchandise
This immensely usable archive of vintage illustrations not only offers a wonderful window on the goods and merchandise of a bygone era, but is an absolute treasure trove of easily reproducible graphic art as well. Some 2,300 cuts culled from such rare nineteenth-century periodicals as The Art Journal, The Illustrate...




Easter Knits
The holidays give us leave to dress up our homeーto arrange centerpieces and hang window decorations, to indulge in a bit of whimsy or frivolity we might otherwise deny ourselves. Scandinavian knitting designers Arne and Carlos are fast becoming the go-to gurus when it comes to holiday style. Their fabulous first bo...




★ 娜娜媽10年手工ソウ配方研發秘密大公開 ★ 第一本讓你學會自己寫配方、調比例,做出獨一無二的專屬ソウ, 第一本以研究精神從製作到測試,讓你搞懂****油品特性,掌握不失敗的好ソウ關鍵! «看懂手工ソウ的配方架構─學會看配方,就知道手工ソウ的洗感。 «****學會自己寫出專屬配方─了解油品的特性,學會掌握材料特性,調配出個人專屬的手工...




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