◆繼蠟燭百科《天然香氛蠟燭聖經》之後, 韓國重量級手作老師鄭脩頻再推出 初學新手也能輕鬆學會的手工ソウ製作專書! 無論是簡單易做、款式經典的手工ソウ,或是設計繁複的手工ソウ,本書中列出的所有製作方法,都附有詳細的步驟說明及圖片對照,任何人都能夠輕易地跟著學習。 同時,每款手工ソウ也附註有難易度,讀者可以依照自己的功力,選...




Craft Workbook: Knitting & Crochet
These books are designed with the absolute beginner in mind, as well as those who would welcome a refresher in these most popular needlecrafts. Each book includes two or three specific projects for readers to get stuck into, with straightforward instructions and large, clear illustrations. With a section on choosing...




Dear Friend and Gardener
Lively exchange of letters between Christopher Lloyd and Beth Chatto, two long-established friends and distinguished gardeners.




天然ソウ達人娜娜媽 × 專業調香師Aroma,兩大名師聯手 第一本專為手工ソウ設計的精油調香專書 娜娜媽全新研發──23款「冷製短時透明ソウ」&香氛造型ソウ 配方.技法大公開 為什麼好聞的精油入ソウ後就不香了?精油該怎麼應用,有何搭配宜忌? 明明用不同的精油配方,為什麼成ソウ聞起來都很像?如何蓋掉特殊油品的味道? 解答眾多ソウ友的做...




*此書為固定版面格式,建議使用平板或電腦閱讀* 〜跟隨四季、節慶,為娃娃製作新裝〜 依娃娃尺寸,剪裁S、M、L尺寸的衣裝, 跟隨四季變換裝束,既浪漫又惹人愛憐! 成了大人之後,就少了許多穿上可愛洋裝的機會。 但在製作給娃娃穿的可愛洋裝時,體會到了親手打造小巧精緻的世界是多麼美妙。 透過自己的雙手製作,竟能帶來這麼多意想不到...




The Spinone Italiano
This eBook examines the lovable and affectionate Spinone Italiano. It provides a direct analysis of the dog's behavioral patterns, temperament, and traits. This includes a general discussion of the Spinone Italiano's health concerns, training and exercise requirements, as well as nutritional needs.




Tapestry Weaving
It's easy to learn tapestry weaving from start to finish with Nancy Harvey, one of America's best-known teachers of this exciting craft. Using the same clear step-by-step approach that makes her workshops so successful, Nancy leads you through building a simple frame loom, to mastering the basic techniques, to compl...




On Weaving
The classic book on the art and history of weavingーnow expanded and in full color Written by one of the twentieth century’s leading textile artists, this splendidly illustrated book is a luminous meditation on the art of weaving, its history, its tools and techniques, and its implications for modern design. First p...




Living Room 客廳 客廳是凝聚家庭情感的重要場所,也是定調居家風格的主要設計空間。在深入研究屋主們的生活習慣與互動方式之後,設計師透過各種家具軟件的搭配,揉捻家庭成員們之間不同的喜好,最終建立獨樹一幟的居家場域,使家庭成員們得以一同舒適地窩在此處,情感升溫! Storage 收納 多數台灣人喜歡往家裡堆疊存放物品,所以想要保持家...




Stained Glass Making Basics
All the essential information and instruction the beginner needs to know to create stunning stained glass projects. The author has based the book on the highly successful hands-on approach that she has perfected teaching thousands of students in her stained glass classes. The projectsーstarting with the simplest and...




The Abundance of Less
Inspiring stories of 10 people who left urban Japan to live ‘the simple life’ in the rural mountainsーfor anyone interested in sustainable living, Japanese counterculture, and Eastern spirituality “Subversive in the best possible way.” ーBill McKibben, New York Times–bestselling author The Abundance of Less captures...




E il giardino creò l
Il giardino: ultimo rifugio della spiritualità e della poesia; ultima frontiera al di qua della barbarie e dell'alienazione; ultima utopia - ma un'utopia pratica, tangibile. Questi i temi che il giardiniere-filosofo Jorn de Précy - attivo a cavallo fra Otto e Novecento e di cui poco si sa, ma che è da sempre oggetto...




Creative Knitting
The first book to introduce knitting as an art form, this classic guide has been newly revised and expanded to offer even more suggestions and inspiration. Mary Walker Phillips shows how to use traditional stitches in original ways to produce highly decorative creations rather than strictly functional items. Scores ...




German Light Cruisers of World War II
“An immensely interesting look” at the Emden, Königsberg, Karlsruhe, Köln, Leipzig, and *Nürnberg*ships “from drawing board to destiny” (War History Online). The warships of the World War II era German Navy are among the most popular subject in naval history with an almost uncountable number of books devoted to them...




輕鬆了解植物的魅力! 讓有花的生活擁有更多快樂 由日本最大花卉市場和專業花店監修 一本結合花朵、葉子、果實 知識和使用方法的詳細圖鑑 花名資訊&花的身世故事、特色通通告訴你 你認識多少種花兒呢? 你知道有些植物的葉子也很美可以拿來妝點空間嗎?原來植物們的果實也千姿百樣、可愛又充滿造型,而且認識更多你不太熟悉的花材後,相信對於...




The Book of the Pearl
This monumental, profusely illustrated volume by two noted authorities is probably the largest single collection of data on the subject of pearls. Its enormous amount of detailed information covers their origin and history, structure, and form; the pearl fisheries of Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas; fascinati...




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