訓練師的聖經 馭人術的終極指南 這是本行為訓練終極指南:你可以教貓彈鋼琴,讓雞翩翩起舞,甚至可以用來對付不聽話的小孩,愛唱反調的另一半,難搞的員工! 教你如何觀察、分析行為,透視行為形成的原理,破除不打不乖的迷思,學會搏感情訓練法。 你再也不必高聲咆哮、施暴、處罰,因為你掌握了必殺技。 這是一本描述「増強理論」的書。作者...




Pruning and Training Systems for Modern Olive Growing
Olive growing is expanding rapidly in many countries around the world in which olives have not previously been widely cultivated. Pruning olive trees is quite different from pruning other fruit trees of the temperate zone, because of their biological peculiarities. Errors in pruning may result in yield losses or hig...




Make, Sew and Mend
**New York Times Bestseller Learn the Historically Proven Stitches Every Seamster Needs with Beloved Historical Fashion YouTuber Bernadette Banner** Whether you are just getting started with sustainable fashion and need to alter your new secondhand finds, or you want an introduction to sewing techniques for making y...




Ancient Egyptian, Mesopotamian & Persian Costume
Clothing was hardly a practical necessity in North Africa and what is today the Middle East. Often a luxury item in these warm, humid climates, it became more essential as people's lives improved socially and economically. But even then, the drapery was light and tended to accent the body's shape rather than conceal...




Saltwater Classics from the Island of Newfoundland
"From the top of your head to the tips of your toes, Saltwater Classics will keep you toasty warm with beautiful hand-knitted hats, mitts, gloves, socks and vamps. As their follow-up to the best-selling Saltwater Mittens, Christine LeGrow and Shirley A. Scott have collected and expertly recreated some of Newfoundlan...




Encaustic Painting Techniques
Your Comprehensive Encaustic Guidebook! Everything you need to know to get started with encaustic painting is contained inside this book. Featuring techniques and projects from Encaustic Workshop and Encaustic Mixed Media--plus a multitude of brand new projects--Encaustic Painting Techniques is the Whole Ball of Wax...




紐約時報暢銷作家、好萊塢眾名人御用收納團隊、 Netflix熱門實境秀The Home Edit權威主持現身說法! 無罪惡感整理指南,讓居家、工作、旅行、3C生活的空間美感升級, 9大收納主題,超過150張美到讓你愛上收納的實品照, 不用斷捨離,東西收得好,心情就會好! 家裡堆積許多雜物不知道要怎麼整理?狂塞硬擠的衣櫃像顆未爆彈岌岌可危?手機平板...




Elevate your personal style, trim your belongings, and transform your life, one room at a time, with this visionary lifestyle and home organization book from professional organizing expert, Shira Gill. “Warm, funny, and direct, Shira builds you up while helping you edit down to the best version of yourself.”ーStacy ...




Les amis de Pica Pau
Après le succès de son premier livre, Le monde de Pica Pau, Yan Schenkel, alias Pica Pau, rassemble à nouveau ses meilleurs tutos dans cet ouvrage plein de malice et de tendresse. Destiné aux crocheteuses débutantes ou expérimentées, ce livre propose 20 modèles à réaliser, tous plus adorables les uns que les autres....




A Complete Guide to Military Ribbons of the United States Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard and Merchant Marine 1861 to 2014
This is the single most complete and authentic guide to United States military ribbons ever produced. Published in full color it displays the complete history of all United States Army, Navy, Marine, Air Force and Coast Guard ribbon since the Civil War. As an additional bonus it displays all currently authorized Uni...




Doubleweave Revised & Expanded
Conventional shaft loom weaving constricts the weaver into making only a single layer of fabric that is no wider than the loom. Increase your loom's capabilities with Doubleweave Revised & Expanded! In this comprehensive guide to doubleweave, master-weaver Jennifer Moore revisits the tips and techniques to weaving i...




速寫藝術家 / B6速寫男Mars、植物水彩插畫家 / 呂麗秋 誠摯推薦、人氣插畫講師 / 凜小花 ★Yes24、教保文庫、阿拉丁韓國三大書店讀者滿星好評! ★美術大展首獎得主獨創「系統化」教學,從零開始解析「素描技法」,在家也學得會! ★首創「技巧要領 示範繪圖」雙目錄,結合精心規劃「練習專用頁面」,史上最好用! ★從靜物、風景到人物,範例齊...




Encaustic Workshop
In its purest form, encaustic painting is as simple as applying melted beeswax to an absorbent surface. In Encaustic Workshop, Revised Edition, it becomes much more: a dynamic medium where anything goes and the possibilities are endless. Packed with step-by-step techniques, helpful tips and diverse examples of compl...








  其實貓咪有話想要跟你說!   學習貓式思考,與愛貓幸福生活、完全溝通的第一步!   輕鬆解決貓咪噴尿、咬人、打架等各種脫序行為,   並破解網路傳言、養貓迷思、貓咪要的真的很簡單。   迷思1:養貓似乎很輕鬆,貓咪每天只要睡覺就好?   迷思2:貓咪總愛唱反調,可以像狗狗一樣訓練嗎?   迷思3:貓咪好像生性孤僻,被處罰...




99 Favorite Amish Home Remedies
Bestselling author Georgia Varozza takes the difficulty out of creating healing teas, general cleaning items, and personal care products. Her recipes, which have served generations of Plain people, contain common household ingredients and are easy to make and use. You'll find 99 creative ways to clean your home and ...




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