Weaving Rag Rugs
Every weaver weaves a rag rug--or two, or three. In this long-awaited book, well-known weaver and teacher Tom Knisely shares his knowledge and expertise in this collection of favorite rag rug patterns.




The Artist
In this step-by-step how-to guide to creating classic portraits of animals in pencil and pen-and-ink, artist J. C. Amberlyn combines her love of pets and other familiar domestic creatures with her beautiful, detailed drawing style. Covering a variety of animals from dogs and cats to barnyard critters like cows and s...




Probleme sind im komplexen Hobby Meerwasseraquaristik unvermeidlich. Sie können sowohl Wirbellose und Fische als auch Wasserparameter und technische Aggregate betreffen. Resultat sind eine Verschlechterung des Aquarienmilieus und - im schlimmsten Fall - der Verlust von Tieren. In diesem Buch zeigt Experte Dr. Dieter...




Drawing Hands
Second in importance only to the face, hands play a key role in expressing emotional statesーfrom anger and fear to resignation, serenity, and surprise. This resource features more than 1,000 illustrations, offering figure artists at all skill levels insights into the structure, character, and expression of hands. A...




*此書為固定版面格式,建議使用平板或電腦閱讀* 【本書特色】 ◎獻給想用水彩色鉛筆畫出可愛又夢幻的插畫,並想從頭逐步學習的初學者。 ◎分門別類介紹小型插圖、裝飾文字畫法,還能進一步應用於生活小物創作中。 ◎從挑選紙筆、描線、上色方式等基礎技巧逐步解說,最終目標為挑戰整幅水彩色鉛筆畫! 使用水彩色鉛筆作畫,可以簡單畫出色鉛筆特...




Creative Concepts for Artists Vol 1: POSEmuse & SenshiStock Collaboration.
Author and artist, Justin R. Martin, continues his work creating simplified human pose references in this new series, Creative Concepts for Artists. In volume one, Justin, collaborates with the photography reference artist, SenshiStock, creating over 300 poses, many of which have never been seen! Table of Contents C...




Bien choisir son matériel pour peindre et dessiner
Illustré d'oeuvres, de pas à pas et de photos explicatives, ce guide est un voyage au coeur d'une multitude de savoir-faire et de techniques picturales. Saviez-vous que la peinture est broyée avant d'être mise en tube, que les toiles à peindre sont enduites au sabre, ou comment sont fabriqués les pinceaux, peintures...




開始極簡生活練習,我的人生得到更多的自由 我想像史蒂夫•賈伯斯一樣,每天都穿同樣的衣服, 這讓他更專注在他的工作和生活。 無痛式斷捨離方法大公開, 你只需要慢慢的改變,沒有時間限制,沒有任何壓力, 你將體會到,極簡生活漸漸讓你更加耀眼。   極簡生活是什麼?擁有極少物品生活的人?過著簡單生活的人?   嗯...雖然不是很懂,但...




  ★簡單生活2.0版本   ★日本上市不到一個月,即刻三刷   ★Instagram兩人生活提案,追蹤人數高達2.3萬人   從「一人」,進階到「兩人」,   加一的生活 有了愛,   才能豐富,幸福滿載!   簡單生活,不限於一個人,兩個人更燦爛   兩人的簡單生活,不代表要忍耐,不等於心靈需要承受人情負擔,而是一起找到保有自我,更輕盈...




Essex Class Aircraft Carriers of the Second World War
A stern-to-bow look at the most powerful aircraft carrier design of World War Two from the author of Bismarck and Tirpitz in the ShipCraft series. The latest volume covers the hugely important American carrier of the Second World War. Built in larger numbers than any fleet carrier before or since, the Essex class ca...




Day of the Dachshund
The perfect gift for dachshund devotees A brand-new edition of Jim Dratfield’s bestselling book Delightful wordplay captures the quirks of this breed Handsomely designed with more than 70 color photographs What breed is sillier than the dachshund? None. With their low, elongated bodies, soulful eyes, and truly rid...




Water, Wood, and Wild Things
**"With this book, you feel you can stop time and savor the rituals of life." --Maira Kalman An immersive journey through the culture and cuisine of one Japanese town, its forest, and its watershed--where ducks are hunted by net, saké is brewed from the purest mountain water, and charcoal is fired in stone kilns--by...




The Smithsonian National Gem CollectionーUnearthed
The scandals, mysteries, and human stories behind the world’s greatest gems are brought to life by the curator of the Smithsonian’s National Gem Collection Dr. Jeffrey E. Post, curator of the National Gem Collection for more than 25 years, separates fact from fiction in an all-new and original book, revealing fresh ...




Beginners Guide To Blackwork
A step by step guide to stitching intricate blackwork designs. This book contains a stitch library with all the stitches used included and also contains twenty five original designs for you to stitch using those styles as well as a number of finishing ideas.




建構出屬於自己的選物標準 認識日本庶民日常長久使用的手作道具及器物 體驗柳宗悦民藝運動「用之美」精神 「由無名職人之手創作,容易到手的廉價物品。重覆地一再製作,由熟練技術所支撐的用品。傳統與風土、受到大地的恩賜支持的……」日本大正時期民藝之父柳宗悦如此定義「民藝」。民藝指的不是特定的事物,而是看待物品的方式、思考的方式,...




Drawing Cute Manga Chibi
This guide introduces aspiring manga artists to drawing chibi characters--wide-eyed caricatures beloved for their cartoonish exaggeration. Drawing Cute Manga Chibi walks you through the steps needed to draw these adorable characters, while sidebars offer expert tips, pointers on the pitfalls to avoid, and how to use...




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